Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 844-977-1900

Tips to Teach Your Teenage Driver

Get help for your Teen Drivers
Help your teen drivers get on the right foot.

Teen drivers are at high risk of car accidents due to lack of experience, road knowledge and proper training. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for U.S. teens. If you are a parent of a teenage driver, it is your responsibility to invest in the safety of your child to help prevent their chances of being in a car accident. Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys has put together the following tips and tricks to pass on to your teen drivers in an effort to help keep our roads safer for families and drivers of all ages.

1. No Distracted Driving

Texting, eating, applying makeup, chatty friends and loud music are just a few ways teen drivers can be easily distracted. Remind your teen to stay focused on the road and always be aware of other drivers, pedestrians and cyclists that share the road with them.

2. Check Your Blind Spots

Many accidents happen from careless lane changes. Make sure to teach your teen driver(s) to check their blind spots and look over their shoulder in addition to using all three mirrors.

3. Use Extra Caution in Intersections

Intersections are a prime location for car accidents. In urban areas, nearly 50% of all crashes occur at intersections (source: FHWA, 2005). Remember to stress the danger of running red lights and remind teen drivers to wait a few seconds before entering an intersection after a light turns green. You’ll also want to discuss with them that when they make a right or left turn at an intersection, they should always check for pedestrians who have the right of way at crosswalks, even when the driver’s light is green.

4. Don’t Drive Impaired

Driving tired or intoxicated greatly increases chances of being involved in a car accident. Remind your teen to never get behind the wheel if they are not capable of driving safely. Also, let them know they can rely on you (their parent) to pick them up.

5. Don’t Play Games

Driving a car is a great responsibility that calls for a focused mind and should be taken seriously. Playing games, racing and other careless activities becomes dangerous when driving.

6. Lastly, One Seat Belt per Person

Teen drivers are responsible for themselves, their car and also their passengers. Remind your teen driver that it is also their responsibility to make sure that each passenger buckles up. No seat belt sharing or stacking of passengers allowed.

Teen Drivers

Injured in an accident? Make the right decision and contact a personal injury attorney immediately. Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys will help you and your child get the money they deserve to cover medical expenses and also other damages. Contact us today.

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