Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 844-977-1900

Five Common Slip and Fall Causes Says Yuma Personal Injury Attorney

Yuma Attorney

Slips and falls are extremely common causes of injuries, resulting in over one million emergency room visits each year, according to the National Fall Safety Institute (NFSI). In some cases, slips and falls happen due to the negligence of others, and you may need the services of a Yuma attorney.

What Are Five Common Causes of Slip and Fall Injuries?

Our Yuma personal injury attorneys say that the following are five of the most common causes of slip and fall injuries:

1. Hazardous walking surfaces

Cluttered floors with loose cords can cause slip and fall accidents, as can issues such as loose floorboards, broken tiles, and torn carpeting; also true of wet floors due to a leak or recent mopping. In some cases, potholes and poorly maintained or uneven sidewalks can also cause these types of accidents.

2. Nursing home neglect

Older people are particularly vulnerable to having a slip and fall accident, since they sometimes have balance and mobility issues. Nursing homes have a responsibility to ensure that their residents have the assistance and supervision they need to help prevent slips and falls.

3. Poor lighting

Poor lighting can make a normally safe area hazardous. For example, if you’re entering a restaurant that has inadequate lighting around their building, you could trip easily; over a curb, landscaping, or also a step.

4. Weather conditions

Wet sidewalks and also, walkways can be slippery. If you’re entering a store, office building, or other establishment that doesn’t have mats placed at the doorways, you could easily fall. Freezing temperatures occur even in warmer areas such as Arizona, and this can cause a hazardous layer of ice on sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, and other areas.

5. Lack of workplace training

Workplace slip and fall injuries are very common and are the leading cause of workers’ compensation claims. Certain occupations require workers to work on slick/narrow surfaces that could cause a fall without the proper equipment and training.

Hurt? Contact a Yuma Attorney

If you’ve been injured in a slip and fall accident and need to speak with a Yuma personal injury attorney, contact the board certified and experienced attorneys at Lerner & Rowe. So, make one call to 928-222-2222. Or you can also submit a free online case review now for a free consultation.

These materials have been prepared by Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys for informational purposes only and are not legal advice. This information is not intended to create, and receipt of it does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. Photographs are for dramatization purposes only and may include models.