Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 844-977-1900

How Elmiron Is Linked to Vision Loss

Elmiron vision loss

Elmiron was first approved for use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2001. To this day it is still the only oral drug approved by the FDA for use in the relief of pain or discomfort associated with interstitial cystitis and painful bladder syndrome (PBS). 

At the time, the only marketed side effects associated with Elmiron were rare occurrences of reversible hair loss, diarrhea, nausea, and rash. Now, the drug is becoming linked to Elmiron vision loss lawsuits.

When Signs of Maculopathy First Appeared   

The drug’s role in maculopathy was first brought to light in 2018 when Dr. Nieraj Jain of the Emory Eye Center of Atlanta noticed a common link between a number of his patients developing what was thought to be pattern dystrophy after taking the drug for 16 years. 

In 2019, a research team at Kaiser Permanente Northern California started their own study based on the findings in the Emory Eye Center of Atlanta. Their study found 22 out of 91 patients presented clear signs of Elmiron toxicity resulting in eye damage. 

Kaiser Permanente also found that the more exposure a patient had to the bladder drug, the higher the toxicity levels climbed—more specifically, the percentage jumped from 11% among those taking 500 to 1,000 grams of Elmiron to 42% among those taking 1,500 grams or more.

Individuals affected by the drug allege that the drug manufacturer Janssen Pharmaceuticals failed to properly warn medical professionals and patients about the risk of developing retinal maculopathy and other significant vision problems from Elmiron toxicity.  

vision loss Elmiron patients

Elmiron Appears on FDA Adverse Event Watchlist 

These recent study results have also been reported to the FDA. Elmiron was added to their Adverse Event Reporting System watchlist on December 31, 2019 to show an increased risk of developing maculopathy as a serious health condition.

Who Is Most Likely to Be Affected by Elmiron Vision Loss?

Women’s eyes are more likely to be affected by Elmiron use than men, as women show a higher percentage rate of developing interstitial cystitis and PBS. According to the Mayo Clinic, women with fair skin and red hair are also at an increased risk of experiencing interstitial cystitis.      

Age also plays a factor. Most people with interstitial cystitis are diagnosed during their 30s or older. 

How Much Elmiron Is Too Much 

The medical community is not sure how much Elmiron is too much to take. They do strongly suggest that you get an eye exam every year if you currently take the drug to document your eye health and monitor any progression of eye disease.

For those who no longer take Elmiron, but did for at least six months or more, you should also start to put together a history of your eye health beginning from when you first began taking the drug. 

Doing so will help you establish a baseline in case you do begin to develop signs of maculopathy. It will also help establish a case for your place in any class action lawsuit or any mass tort lawsuit.  

Contact Us to Learn How to Pursue Financial Compensation 

Now is your chance to get answers to all of your questions from an experienced attorney. We’ll help you determine if you are eligible to pursue financial compensation due to an Elmiron eye injury. 

Please don’t delay in contacting us to claim your FREE consultation. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to pursue an Elmiron settlement or lawsuit as time restrictions may apply. You also have nothing to lose, as there are no attorney fees unless you win your case and receive compensation. 

Call us directly at 844-977-1900, chat with a live representative now, or share more details through an online form

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