Tucson Burn Injury Attorneys
Get the Compensation You Deserve!

The pain, suffering and possible disfigurement a burn victim can experience is among the worst of any personal injury. These types of injuries hurt people of all ages, but are most common among the elderly and young children.
They are also among the fourth most common types of traumatic injury following traffic accidents, violent attacks and falls. {Source: UptoDate.com}
Burned and not sure where to turn? Don’t suffer alone. If you or loved one has been burned in an accident caused by another person, defective product or an act of negligence, call us today for guidance.
Common Causes of Burn Injury Accidents
Burn injuries can affect the bodies natural way to maintain normal temperature levels. These type of injuries can also severely damage muscles, nerves, bones, and blood vessels.
Common causes of burn injury accidents include:
- Open flames / fire
- Scalding hot steam, water or beverages
- Lit cigarettes, irons or coals
- Defective electronic appliances or electric wires
- Harmful chemicals or fumes
- Fireworks
- Radiation exposure
- Lightning strikes
Depending on the severity of injuries – multiple surgeries and long-term extensive medical care and physical and mental therapy may be necessary for a proper recovery.
Don’t get stuck footing the bill. Here at Lerner and Rowe, we can help you get the maximum compensation you deserve!
You’re Not Alone – Contact the Top Legal Team in Tucson
If you have been burned in a fire, by an explosions or through exposure to a dangerous product, you are not alone. We will aggressively go after those responsible for your injuries. Our personal injury legal team will help build a case that will hold those responsible liable for medical expenses, lost-wages, damages as well as pain and suffering.
Contact one of our compassionate burn injury attorneys at 520-977-1900, or submit a free online case review form today!