Sun City West Car Accident Lawyers
Even in a small community like Sun City West, there is a risk of being involved in a catastrophic car accident that causes financial stress, long-term health issues and emotional distress. All it takes is a split second for the actions of a distracted, reckless, aggressive or impaired driver to inflict significant damage. As experienced Arizona injury attorneys, the Sun City West car accident lawyers team at Lerner and Rowe has witnessed the aftermath of a variety of collisions and made it our mission to recover the compensation our clients needed.
We believe that dangerous and/or negligent drivers should be held accountable and our team has the necessary resources, local knowledge and legal expertise to accomplish this effectively. You can schedule a free consultation with one of our highly sought-after car accident lawyers by giving us a call at 602-977-1900 or completing a free online case review. Our team is here to protect your rights and advocate for the compensation you deserve for your Sun City West, Arizona car accident claim.

Why You Should Choose Lerner and Rowe’s Sun City West Car Accident Lawyers
At Lerner and Rowe, we understand that pursuing a car accident lawsuit can seem like an unnecessary hassle after you have been involved in a collision in Sun City West, especially if your injuries are relatively minor. After being sideswiped in the Albertson’s parking lot, trapped in a Route 66 pile-up, or T-boned in the intersection of Camino del Sol and R.H. Johnson Boulevard, let your priority be your health and recovery and hire the car accident attorneys of Lerner and Rowe to handle the rest.
Our team has meticulously cultivated a reputation for being straightforward, efficient and supportive. Injured Arizonans turn to the Sun City West auto accident lawyers of Lerner and Rowe in their time of need to provide exceptional service. This includes a careful investigation of your car accident, thorough documentation of your damages and relentless advocacy.
We value your trust and take the responsibility of maximizing your compensation seriously. The Sun City West car accident lawyers of Lerner and Rowe have dedicated our time, efforts and resources to injured Arizonans for decades with outstanding results. We are committed to assisting Sun City West residents who have been injured in a car accident caused by another driver with securing a settlement that covers their damages.
Understanding Sun City West, Arizona Car Crashes
Sun City West is a small community located outside of Phoenix whose population consists primarily of retirees. It is situated in Maricopa County, which leads the state in most car accidents due in part to its larger population. In 2021, Maricopa County sustained over $11.5 billion dollars worth of economic damages related to traffic accidents. With approximately 25,806 residents, Sun City West does not have its own police force and is instead serviced by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office.
Based on information from the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, local news sources have identified certain dangerous intersections in Sun City West, which include:
- Camino del Sol and R.H. Johnson Boulevard
- Meeker Boulevard and Grand Avenue
- Meeker Boulevard and Camino del Sol
Historically, the highest number of car accidents in Sun City West have occurred in February, with the lowest number of collisions taking place in August. This is likely attributable to the population balloon that retirement communities in warm climates often face during the winter as retirees from colder locations seek a more temperate environment.
Some residents believe that the lack of traffic enforcement is to blame for the number of car accidents that occur in Sun City West. The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office has tried to create a more permanent presence to address this criticism, but concerns about speeding, distracted driving and other issues like the safety of golf cart operators still persist.
Common Causes of Sun City West, Arizona Car Accidents
While the overwhelming majority of local Sun City West drivers have decades of driving experience, that does not necessarily translate into fewer car accidents. In fact, older drivers are just as likely to be distracted drivers as younger drivers. Older drivers may also struggle with their vision, reaction times and even declining cognitive function. Some of the most common causes of Sun City West car accidents include:
- Distracted driving
- Drunk driving
- Drowsy driving
- Road rage
- Reckless maneuvering
- Ignoring traffic laws
- Mechanical failures
- Poor road maintenance
More than one driver can be responsible for causing a single car accident. For example, a driver who fails to use their turn signal to change lanes and gets rear-ended by the vehicle behind them would potentially share liability with the driver who rear-ended them. In Arizona, an injured party can still recover partial compensation for their damages even if they were partly at fault.
Sun City West Car Accidents Can Result in Serious Injuries
For most residents of Sun City West, the risk of being severely injured in a car accident is higher due to it being home to more senior citizens. Older Sun City West drivers who sustain serious injuries often face longer recovery times, have more trouble fighting off infection and tend to face poorer long-term prognosis. Car accident injuries commonly include the following:
- Traumatic brain injury
- Spinal cord injury
- Crush injury
- Whiplash injury
- Soft tissue injury
- Fractured or broken bones
- Deep lacerations
- Contusions
- Severe burns
- Dental and facial injuries
After a Sun City West car accident, don’t delay seeking medical treatment. This lowers the risk of an injury becoming much more significant, potentially increases the efficacy of the treatment and safeguards the integrity of your future car accident claim. If you brush off medical assistance, an insurance company can use it to argue that your injury is less serious than you have claimed or that you were trying to falsely inflate the value of your settlement by letting your injury worsen.
What Damages Are Available in a Sun City West Car Accident Lawsuit
In the context of a car accident lawsuit, the term “compensatory damages” refers to losses you have experienced as a result of your injury. These can be classified as economic damages, which have a known monetary value or as non-economic damages, which compensate plaintiffs for sentimental and intangible losses.
It is your personal injury attorney’s job to examine the full picture of your case to determine the value of the damages you have already sustained and anticipate the future costs you are likely to incur.
For example, depending on the severity of your injuries, you may require long-term medical care such as regular physical therapy or the assistance of a home healthcare aide. Your injuries may also preclude you from engaging in the activities you find fulfilling, like cooking, golfing or exercising, which can lead to feelings of depression and isolation. Future losses, whether financial, physical or emotional can potentially be compensated in a car accident lawsuit. Frequently cited damages include:
- Medical bills
- Lost wages
- Pain and suffering
- Loss of quality of life
- Wrongful death
Why You Need a Sun City West Car Accident Lawyers to Negotiate Your Claim
Attempting to represent yourself in a car accident claim only benefits the defendant, who is likely an insurance company with deep pockets and has extensive resources including a team of lawyers who specialize in trying to delegitimize or diminish personal injury claims. Instead, protect your right to seek compensation for your damages by seeking out a qualified personal injury attorney who is an expert at negotiating car accident lawsuits.
Personal injury lawyers have knowledge of the legal process, such as the administrative responsibilities of the plaintiff and the tactics insurance companies employ to undermine claims, that can be critical to successfully settling a case. They will also have experience leveraging evidence to meet the burden of proof for establishing liability, which is the foundation of any personal injury claim.
Car accident claims, particularly those involving shared liability, can require a level of expertise that a personal injury attorney is most suited to provide. An auto accident attorney can keep you from making common errors that may compromise the strength of your claim, procure and protect vital evidence and diligently document the other driver’s negligence. The best way to increase the likelihood of recovering the maximum compensation for your car accident injuries is to hire a Sun City West personal injury lawyer to represent you.
Frequently Asked Questions About Arizona Car Accident Claims
How long will it take my Sun City West car accident lawsuit to settle?
Car accident claims are distinguished from one another by the severity of the plaintiff’s injuries, the impact of those injuries on their life, who is liable for the plaintiff’s damages, the availability of reliable evidence and a number of other factors. As a result, it is difficult to give an exact estimate regarding how long it will take an Arizona car accident claim to settle without knowing key details.
Most car accident claims settle between 6 months and 18 months, but this is by no means guaranteed. Claims that go to trial can take additional months or years to settle. After thoroughly reviewing the details of your individual case, your car accident attorney may be able to give you a more precise estimate of the expected timeline, but plaintiffs should be aware that there are aspects of the personal injury claims process that are out of their control that may delay their claim’s progress.
What does it cost to hire a car accident lawyer?
Hiring a car accident lawyer requires no out-of-pocket or upfront payments. The personal injury claims process is designed to be accessible for people who have been injured because of someone else’s negligence, as it would be unfair to expect someone who is not at fault to go into debt to afford legal representation so they can recover the money they are already owed.
Instead of charging a client before providing services, personal injury lawyers agree to take on cases they believe have merit and render services without payment until the claim is settled. They do this with the understanding that they will recover a contingency fee out of what they are able to settle the claim for, which amounts to about a third of the gross settlement. If the personal injury lawyer is unable to settle the car accident claim, the client does not have to pay for the attorney’s services.
What is the burden of proof in a civil case like a personal injury claim?
Burden of proof is a legal term that refers to an evidentiary standard. In a civil claim, the plaintiff has the burden of proof. They must present sufficient evidence to meet the burden of proof in order for the defendant to be considered negligent and liable for their damages. The burden of proof is lower in a civil case as compared to a criminal case.
Criminal cases require that the prosecution present evidence that convinces the fact-finders “beyond a reasonable doubt” that the defendant is guilty and the consequence is usually some form of incarceration or restriction of freedom. Civil cases have a lower burden of proof, as the consequences are typically monetary. In a civil case, the burden of proof is a “preponderance of the evidence,” which is understood to mean that there’s more than a 50% likelihood that the defendant’s negligence caused the plaintiff’s injuries and damages.
Contact the Sun City West Car Accident Attorneys of Lerner and Rowe
Sun City West residents who have been seriously injured in a car crash caused by another driver’s negligence deserve exceptional legal representation. Our team at Lerner and Rowe can fill that role and champion your claim for damages. We have spent the last two decades working closely with injured car accident clients to ensure that their immediate expenses are covered and their long-term losses are accounted for in their settlements.
The auto accident attorneys of Lerner and Rowe are recognized as one of Arizona’s top personal injury law firms based on our client satisfaction rates, history of maximizing compensation and investment in the communities we serve. We are a trusted source of legal expertise, which has allowed us to expand in the South West and beyond, offering car accident clients the support they deserve.
At Lerner and Rowe, our process prioritizes your needs. We encourage you to give us a call at 602-977-1900 to schedule a free consultation or complete a free online case review today. Our personal injury lawyers can provide helpful legal insight and set your Sun City West car accident lawsuit up for a successful settlement.