Pedestrian Accident

Tucson Pedestrian Accident Attorney

Causes of Pedestrian Accidents

While pedestrians should always look out for cars while crossing the streets, most people hit by cars are unable to avoid the accident, even when they are following the law and all posted safety signs and signals.

Many accidents happen because of drivers who are:

  • Driving recklessly and speeding
  • Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Failing to pay attention or driving while distracted

If injured in a walking accident, you will need to hire a pedestrian accident attorney in Tucson to go over your options. Our experienced lawyers will fight hard to get you the maximum compensation you may be entitled to.

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Fatal vs. Non-Fatal

Non-fatal pedestrian accidents may simply involve minor scrapes or bruises, where as fatal injuries may result in a wrongful death. If hit by a car and injured, we highly recommend that you seek the guidance of a qualified Arizona pedestrian accident attorney.

Even non-fatal pedestrian accidents can include very serious, life altering injuries that may affect you or your loved one emotionally, financially as well as physically.

Some life-altering injuries include:

Get the Best Tucson Pedestrian Accident Attorney 24/7

A 2013 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration study revealed that every 2 hours there is an average of one crash-related pedestrian death in the Unites States.  Other studies have also found that pedestrian accidents in the state of Arizona have also increased over the past three years.

Further research shows that these type of personal injuries are also more likely to occur from dusk to dawn; and also after normal business hours. This is why our pedestrian accident attorneys are available any time, day or night.

Call us today 24/7 at 520-977-1900, or fill out the online form to meet with a qualified Tucson pedestrian accident attorney.