Tolleson, Arizona Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Tolleson motorcyclists are at a higher risk than other vehicles of being seriously injured when they collide with a passenger car or semi-truck. Although it is more likely to be the other motorist’s fault, it is typically the motorcyclist who experiences the more extensive injuries. Motorcycle accident injuries often fall on the severe end of the spectrum, involving nerve damage, scarring, amputation, and permanent consequences for critical functioning.

Our team of highly experienced Tolleson injury attorneys at Lerner and Rowe is prepared to help you recover compensation for your medical bills, reduced earning capacity, loss of quality of life, and other damages in a personal injury lawsuit.

Tolleson, Arizona Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

To schedule a free consultation with one of our skilled motorcycle accident attorneys, give us a call at 602-977-1900 or complete a FREE online case review form today. Our team will assess your case, explain your legal options for recovering compensation, and provide a rough estimate of what your Tolleson motorcycle accident claim may be worth.

Choose Lerner and Rowe’s Tolleson Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

After being seriously injured in a Tolleson motorcycle accident, you may be considering taking legal action against the driver who hit you in order to recover compensation for your financial, physical, and emotional losses. By choosing the accomplished personal injury attorneys of Lerner and Rowe to represent you in your Arizona motorcycle accident lawsuit, you are setting your claim up for success. Our team has built a reputation based on our billion-dollar results and high client satisfaction rates.

Tolleson motorcyclists who have been sideswiped on Van Buren, ejected from their bikes on Loop 202, T-boned turning out of the local Fry’s, or otherwise injured in a collision with a negligent driver cannot afford to use an inexperienced, overworked, or disinterested personal injury lawyer. At Lerner and Rowe, we carefully select our cases, match them with experienced personal injury attorneys, and invest our time and resources into making a persuasive case for a fair settlement.

You can rest assured that our team has the proven skills needed to be effective advocates for your Tolleson motorcycle accident case after nearly 20 years of serving injured Arizonans. To us, the process may be routine, but your case is not. We will devote our attention to the nuances of your case, ensure that you feel heard, and work tirelessly on your behalf to maximize your compensation for your damages in a Tolleson motorcycle accident lawsuit.

Understanding Tolleson, Arizona Motorcycle Crashes

Tolleson is a crucial job source in the West Valley of Maricopa County, Arizona, with a population of around 7,258. Arizona sees a considerable amount of motorcyclists due to its climate and landscape, many of whom use highways adjacent to Tolleson like I-10, State Route 85, and Loop 202 to explore the area. The concentration of motorcyclists in Tolleson and the greater Phoenix area contributes to Maricopa County’s 60% share of the state’s fatal motorcycle accidents.

Tolleson motorcyclists should be aware of an additional local risk factor, which is the heavier presence of semi-trucks due to Tolleson’s established role as a distribution hub. In most cases involving a motorcyclist versus a semi-truck, the biker doesn’t stand a chance. Keeping this in mind, both local Tolleson bikers and tourists alike should take extra care when making left turns and navigating high-traffic areas where rear-end accidents are more likely.

Of the 1,576 motorcycle accidents in Maricopa County in 2021, 84% resulted in injury or fatality, based on data collected by the Arizona Department of Transportation. Tolleson motorcyclists who are considering taking a ride should take precautions to make themselves visible to other motorists and drive predictably, particularly on Fridays and Saturdays, where Arizona motorcycle accidents peak.

Free Case Review

Common Causes of Tolleson, Arizona Motorcycle Accidents

In Arizona, motorcyclists have to pass a written exam and a driving test in order to obtain a motorcycle permit or motorcycle license. As a part of this process, they learn about the limitations of their bikes, including the limited protection offered by safety gear and the balance required to stay upright. The risk of injury is also outlined, as motorcycles are more easily lost in a driver’s blind spot or overlooked due to their size.

Despite the fact that drivers are more likely to cause a crash involving a motorcycle, most drivers are not specifically trained to share the road with motorcyclists. Preventative actions, such as allowing motorcyclists extra space and double-checking before making a turn, can reduce the risk of a collision but are not consistently implemented by drivers. Additionally, dangerous behaviors, such as texting while driving, are exceptionally risky when a motorcyclist is involved. Tolleson motorcycle accident causes include:

Injuries Handled by Our Tolleson Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

In a collision, the passenger car occupants may emerge relatively unscathed, while the motorcyclist is rushed to the hospital. More options for motorcycle safety gear are available than ever before, such as backboard inserts, undershirts with body armor, and helmets, but none rival the efficacy of standard car safety features. Without mechanisms to keep them restrained and absorb the impact of a crash, motorcyclists are more likely to sustain injuries that leave them with damage to their nerves, organs, and bones. 

Additionally, the motorcycle itself can cause extensive damage by crushing a rider’s limb, putting pressure on internal organs, slicing their skin, or trapping them and preventing them from moving out of harm’s way. In some tragic circumstances, a motorcyclist will survive their initial injuries, only to die from the impact of a second vehicle because they were unable to move to safety. Motorcycle accident injuries may include:

Compensation Our Tolleson Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Can Get You

After a Tollson motorcycle accident, it may seem like you are being bombarded with bills at every turn. Your injury may require multiple weekly physical therapy sessions, prevent you from returning to work for a few weeks, and necessitate that you hire outside help to deliver your groceries, do your laundry, and maintain your yard. Financial costs that are a result of your motorcycle accident injury can be compensated as economic damages in an Arizona personal injury lawsuit.

When considering what losses they want to seek compensation for, many motorcycle accident clients are unaware of the full range of non-economic damages that are also potentially available to them. The invisible impacts of motorcycle accident injuries, such as your ability to live your life without pain, the emotional cost of giving up a favorite hobby like running, and the mental toll of recovery, are all legitimate losses that are deserving of compensation. Depending on the circumstances of your motorcycle accident claim, you might be eligible for the following compensation: 

Why You Need a Tolleson Motorcycle Crash Attorney to Negotiate Your Claim

Motorcycle accident claims often receive an additional degree of suspicion from insurance agents, as motorcyclists are stereotypically reckless operators. Most likely, you will actually be seeking compensation from the negligent driver’s insurance carrier, so you will need someone who is experienced in dealing with this type of bias to represent your interests. Otherwise, you risk settling your claim for less than a skilled personal injury attorney would have negotiated for you.

If you are able to secure a respectable personal injury lawyer to represent you in your Tolleson motorcycle accident claim, that signals to the insurance company that someone who has knowledge in this area believes that your claim likely has merit. Additionally, it indicates that you are prepared to make a concerted effort to maximize your compensation, so they may be more likely to open with more realistic settlement offers.

Hiring a personal injury attorney is also beneficial because they will do the legwork of managing and negotiating the case so that you can dedicate your efforts to recovering from your injuries. For example, they will guide you in how to provide a statement to the insurance company, take depositions, collect evidence to document your damages, investigate the accident scene, represent you to other parties in bill collectors, and create a strategy to maximize your compensation.

Frequently Asked Questions About Tolleson, Arizona Motorcycle Wreck Claims

Do I have to wear a motorcycle helmet in Arizona?

Motorcycle helmets are only legally required for riders and passengers under 18 in Arizona. All riders are required to wear some form of eye protection, but this does not protect you from a traumatic brain injury in the event of a collision. Helmets not only protect your head in a motorcycle accident, but they can also offer you a degree of legal protection if you pursue a personal injury claim.  

If you don’t wear a helmet and you are injured in a Tolleson motorcycle accident, you may be accused of failing to mitigate your risk of sustaining an injury, even though you weren’t breaking the law. Essentially, this means that you did not take reasonable steps to reduce the likelihood of incurring a foreseeable injury. As a result, the insurance company could argue that you are partially responsible for your injuries. If a judge agrees, this could reduce the amount of compensation you recover under Arizona’s comparative negligence law.

When do I pay my Tolleson motorcycle accident lawyer to represent me?

Personal injury lawyers are not paid until after they have settled their client’s claim. Once a claim is settled, they can then recover their contingency fee, which is around 33% of the total settlement. In the meantime, you do not pay for their services. Personal injury lawyers who ask for upfront payment before representing you should be treated with caution. If your personal injury attorney is unable to settle your motorcycle accident lawsuit for you, you don’t have to pay them at all.

How long will my Tolleson motorcycle accident claim take to settle?

The timeline for the typical personal injury claim, from the first free consultation to the settlement agreement, is about six to eighteen months. Motorcycle accident clients should be prepared to have their claims fall on the longer end of the spectrum. First, it takes time to gather evidence of injury and damages. In a motorcycle accident case, the full extent of the limitations of your injuries may not be immediately apparent, which can add to the timeline. 

Additionally, there may be disagreements over who is liable for your damages, which can delay negotiations until both parties can agree on who is responsible for what percentage of fault. Once that is established, it may take additional time to agree on what your damages are worth, as insurance companies typically want to avoid paying out larger settlements.

Contact Our Tolleson Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

At Lerner and Rowe, our seasoned negotiators are equipped to ascertain liability in complicated motorcycle accident cases, go toe-to-toe with powerful insurance companies, and emerge with a fair settlement that properly compensates our injured clients for their damages. We are known for being tenacious representatives who don’t hesitate to champion their clients’ needs at the negotiating table or in court.

As your Tolleson personal injury lawyers, you can expect that we will leverage our experience and resources to secure a settlement that is reflective of the extent of your damages. We believe negligent individuals should be held accountable, particularly when it results in serious harm to someone else, and our team can be trusted to fulfill this agenda.

Our team encourages you to give us a call at 602-977-1900 to schedule a free consultation or complete a FREE online case review form today. The personal injury lawyers of Lerner and Rowe welcome the opportunity to further discuss the services we offer, learn more about the details of your Tolleson motorcycle accident, and provide insight into the value of your claim.