Tolleson Truck Accident Lawyers

As a key distribution center in the West Valley, Tolleson, Arizona, sees a good deal of truck traffic. This puts Tolleson drivers, pedestrians, and other road users at an elevated risk of being involved in a collision, where they are significantly more likely to sustain devastating injuries. The financial expense, physical constraints, and emotional toll associated with catastrophic truck accident injuries can be compensated in a personal injury lawsuit if another party was responsible for your Tolleson truck accident.

At Lerner and Rowe, we have earned a reputation as experts in maximizing compensation in Arizona truck accident claims. Our award-winning team can offer you legal insight into establishing liability, navigating the procedural aspects of filing a personal injury lawsuit, and how to properly document the value of your damages. Don’t hesitate to give us a call at 602-977-1900 to schedule a free consultation or complete a free online case review today. 

Tolleson Truck Accident Lawyers

Why You Should Choose Lerner and Rowe to Represent Your Truck Accident Lawsuit

At Lerner and Rowe, our team specializes in truck accident lawsuits, which means that we are familiar with the issues that tend to arise, such as disputes over liability between the driver, their employer, and other third parties. We will meticulously investigate all potential sources of negligence to ensure that you are pursuing compensation from the most appropriate party. Our clients not only benefit from our investigative skills, but also from our proven abilities at the negotiating table.

Considering the level of compensation most truck accident plaintiffs are pursuing, a seasoned, successful personal injury attorney is a necessity. At Lerner and Rowe, we can offer clients the benefit of nearly two decades of service to injured Arizonans as well as convincing evidence of our abilities in the form of our case results, numerous accolades, and glowing client testimonials. 

You can trust our team to come prepared, vocally advocate for your rights, and aggressively push for maximum compensation. Perhaps you were T-boned on 99th Avenue by a semi-truck turning out of the Albertsons’ Distribution Center, rear-ended on I-10 near the exit for Sam’s Club, or injured in a lost load accident on Van Buren Street. If someone else’s negligence caused you to be injured in a Tolleson truck accident, you need the personal injury lawyers of Lerner and Rowe to represent your case.

Understanding Tolleson, Arizona Truck Crashes

In terms of distribution, Tolleson, Arizona, is advantageously located between Phoenix and Yuma, with immediate access to I-10 and Loop 202. Although it is considered a small town with a population of about 7,258, Tolleson hosts major corporations like PepsiCo, Trader Joe’s, and CVS, making it a hub for the transportation of goods via trucks.

While other nearby cities are also impacted by truck traffic from highways like I-10, Tolleson is unique in that its distribution centers draw additional trucks onto local roads, increasing the risk of a collision. In 2021, Tolleson reported 407 traffic accidents, outpacing other larger population centers in Maricopa County, which is likely due in part to the increased presence of large trucks on Tolleson roads.

With the number of large trucks involved in fatal accidents on the rise nationwide, Tolleson residents should exercise caution when driving, riding, or walking. Fatal truck accidents are more likely to occur on non-interstate roads during the daytime in urban settings, making locations like 83rd Avenue and 99th Avenue potential collision sites with trucks leaving the distribution centers along those roads.

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Common Causes of Tolleson, Arizona Truck Accidents

Truck drivers are entrusted with an enormous level of responsibility. The vehicles they operate outweigh virtually every other vehicle on the road, have dangerously large blind spots, require quick reflexes to stop safely, and need extra space to make turns. At the same time, truck drivers are held to tight deadlines, typically drive alone, and cover hundreds of miles a day, often at night

While there are regulations in place to reduce the risk of a truck driver causing a collision, such as a limit on how many consecutive hours they can work, the conditions they operate under can be conducive to unsafe driving behaviors. That said, only a thorough investigation of the driver, their employer, and the truck itself can conclude that the driver is exclusively liable.

There are other parties who can be considered liable in a truck accident lawsuit besides the driver if their negligent actions caused an injury. For example, a trucking company who failed to properly train their drivers, a truck owner who did not maintain their fleet and allowed mechanical issues to go unresolved, sloppy cargo loaders who failed to ensure the load was safely balanced, and even truck part manufacturers who designed or produced faulty products. Typical truck accident causes include: 

Tolleson Truck Accident Injuries Can Cause Permanent Impairments

The vast majority of Arizona truck accidents result in injury or fatality. Truck cabs typically do a good job of absorbing the impact of a collision, but passenger car occupants, motorcyclists, pedestrians, and other road users are rarely so fortunate. When a semi-truck collides with a significantly lighter vehicle, the occupants of the other car may sustain life-threatening injuries from being slammed up against windows or the dashboard, ejected from the vehicle, tossed around as the vehicle rolls over, crushed under the semi-truck, or violently jerked after a rear impact. Truck accident injuries may include: 

After a collision involving a semi-truck, make sure that you get a medical evaluation, especially if one is not offered at the scene. You may have sustained other internal injuries that are not immediately apparent, but nonetheless need treatment. Failing to do so can call into question the validity of any personal injury claim you may want to make in the future, as an insurance company may express doubt about the severity of your injuries if you delay seeking care from a medical provider.

What Damages Are Available in a Tolleson Truck Accident Lawsuit

Due to their severity, truck accident injuries are often exceptionally expensive to treat. You may require a wheelchair for months after the collision, rely on medication to manage chronic pain, or need speech therapy to regain your ability to speak. Beyond that, catastrophic injuries typically entail other monetary costs, such as the costs to hire a lawn service and use rideshare services because your injury prevents you from mowing your yard or driving.  

While many people focus on the financial losses they sustained in the wake of a Tolleson truck accident, this rarely captures the full picture of their experience. Compensatory damages also include non-economic damages, which allow plaintiffs to be compensated for emotional, sentimental, and intangible losses related to their injuries. Tolleson truck accident plaintiffs typically seek compensation for damages like:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Reduced earning capacity

Why You Need a Tolleson Truck Accident Attorney

If you are considering pursuing a Tolleson truck accident claim, you have likely sustained financial, physical, and emotional losses. When it comes to personal injury claims seeking large settlements, insurance companies are likely to be more dedicated to reducing the value of the claim wherever possible. The best way to protect your claim and maximize your chances of a fair settlement is to engage an expert with the resources to take on a powerful insurance company and its team of attorneys.  

Truck accident attorneys have the specialized knowledge needed to take on the legal team for the trucking company’s insurance carrier. With truck accident lawsuits, liability disputes are often an issue, and a personal injury lawyer can help keep all parties on track during the process to expedite a resolution. They will also be prepared to deal with the fact that your damages will likely receive more scrutiny as compared to a lower-value personal injury claim.

To protect the value of your personal injury lawsuit, an Arizona truck accident lawyer can offer a number of valuable services, such as access to expert witnesses, a thorough review of your medical records, and an investigation of the truck driver and their employer. Truck accident attorneys have the appropriate experience and beneficial expertise to maximize your compensation for your Tolleson truck accident lawsuit.

Frequently Asked Questions About Tolleson, Arizona Truck Accident Claims

How much does it cost to hire a Tolleson, Arizona truck accident lawyer?

Personal injury lawyers use contingency fee agreements to recover payment for their services. Instead of charging injured clients upfront, this system recognizes that someone who has been the victim of another person’s negligence is likely already financially overwhelmed and allows them to access legal help first. In a contingency fee agreement, a personal injury lawyer evaluates a case and decides whether or not to take it on.

Once they decide that it is likely valid and the client hires them, they represent their client without payment until the claim is settled. At that point, the personal injury attorney recovers the contingency fee out of the settlement. Contingency fees are equal to about a third of the total value of the settlement, which serves as additional motivation for the personal injury lawyer to maximize their client’s compensation.

Can I still recover compensation in a Tolleson truck accident lawsuit if I was partially at fault?

Liability in a truck accident claim is not always clear-cut. In some cases, there are multiple parties who are responsible for the injured party’s damages, potentially including the plaintiff themselves. In situations where the plaintiff is also at fault, maybe because they were speeding at the time of the crash or they failed to signal a lane change, they can still recover some compensation for their damages.

In Arizona, comparative negligence statutes allow an injured party pursuing a civil claim against a negligent party to recover a portion of their settlement, even if their actions contributed to the accident. The way it works is a judge determines what percentage of the fault each party is responsible for, and then the plaintiff’s settlement is reduced by the percentage of fault they were considered liable for.

What is the difference between an override and an underride truck accident?

An override truck accident is essentially an extreme version of a rear-end accident. In a rear-end collision, one vehicle hits another vehicle from behind, jostling it or even crushing it. In an override truck accident, the truck actually runs over the back or even the entirety of the vehicle in front of it. Considering the weight of a typical semi-truck, passenger car occupants can easily be crushed or trapped in an override truck accident.

An underride truck accident refers to when a smaller vehicle, such as a passenger car or a motorcycle, slides underneath a semi-truck. The impact may be from behind or on the side of the truck, as most semi-truck trailers have a higher clearance. This can occur when a truck brakes sooner than expected, takes too long to make a turn, runs a red light, or otherwise enters the path of a smaller vehicle that is unable to stop. 

Contact the Tolleson Truck Accident Attorneys of Lerner and Rowe

At Lerner and Rowe, we recognize that taking legal action after a Tolleson truck accident may seem like a lower priority when you are dealing with a painful recovery, mounting medical bills, a jeopardized career, and the demands of caring for your home and family. Our team can help alleviate some of that stress by taking on the responsibility of pursuing the compensation you deserve for your Tolleson truck accident injuries and damages.

We have relentlessly negotiated for maximum compensation for our injured clients for nearly 20 years. As Tolleson personal injury lawyers who specialize in truck accidents, our team at Lerner and Rowe provides accessible, effective legal support to Tolleson truck accident clients. If you have been injured in a Tolleson truck accident caused by another party, you don’t have to suffer the financial, mental, and physical consequences by yourself. 

Our team of experienced truck accident attorneys encourages you to give us a call at 602-977-1900 to schedule a free consultation or complete a free online case review today. We look forward to discussing your Tolleson truck accident claim in greater detail so that we can offer strategic insight, an explanation of the personal injury claims process, and an approximation of what your claim may be worth.