Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 520-977-1900

7 Tucson Easter Safety Tips From a Personal Injury Lawyer

Tucson Easter safety tips

Easter weekend in Tucson is a time for family gatherings, delicious food, and springtime fun for the whole family. If you have young children, they might already have visions of jellybeans, egg hunts, and treats as they wait for the Easter Bunny to come. Easter is a time for joy, but a little safety planning can prevent accidents and keep the fun going with these Tucson Easter safety tips from our personal injury lawyers

Top 7 Tucson Easter Safety Tips

1. Be mindful of choking hazards 

With a variety of Easter treats now available, choking hazards are a concern, especially for young children. Small candies, hard pieces in treats, or non-candy items hidden in eggs are particularly dangerous. Opt for age-appropriate treats like marshmallow bunnies or larger chocolates and supervise any interaction. 

2. Watch out for dangerous products 

Along with choking hazards, another Tucson Easter safety tip to consider is the threat of dangerous products. Before buying Easter toys or decorations, do some research online to check for recalls or safety hazards. If you’re coloring eggs, also make sure to supervise children closely to avoid dye tablet ingestion. In case of ingestion, contact the Poison Control Center immediately.

3. Practice food safety 

Take steps to avoid food borne illness. Before you start cooking, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds before handling food and after handling raw meat, eggs, or garbage. Maintain proper food temperatures to prevent bacteria growth. Cook meat to the recommended internal temperature using a food thermometer. Keep hot foods hot (above 140°F) and cold foods cold (below 40°F). 

Along with these food prep best practices, here are a few additional Tucson Easter safety tips to consider: 

  • Use separate cutting boards, utensils, and dishes for raw meat and cooked foods to avoid cross-contamination.
  • Refrigerate leftovers within two hours to maintain food safety.
  • Keep chocolate treats away from pets.
  • Be mindful of food allergies.

4. Keep the egg hunt safe 

The Easter egg hunt is the highlight of the day! If you’re going to be hiding eggs this Easter, you’ll want to make sure you have the perfect location that is free from tripping hazards, exposed electrical outlets, slippery areas, or anything that could cause injuries like broken bones, slip and falls, or burns. Make sure to hide eggs in places that are easy for children to reach without climbing or squeezing into tight spaces. Also, establish clear boundaries for the hunt. This could be a specific area of the park or designated rooms within a house. Let the kids know they shouldn’t wander outside these limits.

5. Tidy up

If you’re hosting a gathering, you’ll want to make sure the rest of your house is party ready. Do a quick walk-through of your home, both inside and out. Pick up any clutter, secure loose rugs, and address any uneven surfaces (like a cracked sidewalk) that could cause someone to trip. Ensure all walkways and common areas are well lit, especially if your gathering extends into the evening. Most importantly, if you have a pool, make sure it is properly fenced and gated to prevent a potential premises liability lawsuit.

6. Practice kitchen safety

The kitchen can be a busy place during Easter. To ensure everyone stays safe, establish clear boundaries. Designate a safe zone away from the stove, oven, and countertops. Instruct children to ask for permission before approaching the stove or oven, and explain the dangers of hot surfaces and appliances. Keep all hot liquids, like coffee or pots of boiling water, out of reach of children’s curious hands. When carrying hot dishes, use oven mitts and avoid walking through high-traffic areas.

7. Drive safely during the Tucson Easter weekend

One of the most important Tucson Easter safety tips? Drive carefully. Easter weekend often sees increased traffic and accidents. Buckle up, avoid distractions, and obey all traffic laws, especially speed limits. Consider leaving early to avoid peak traffic times. If you plan on drinking, designate a driver or use a rideshare service to ensure everyone gets home safely.

Injured in Tucson on Easter? Contact Lerner and Rowe

We hope everyone has a safe and happy Easter holiday while enjoying time with family and friends. By following these Tucson Easter safety tips, you can help prevent accidents and injuries. Even if you are taking precautions, it doesn’t mean others are. In the case of an accident, our personal injury attorneys and legal staff are available to assist 24 hours a day, 7 days a week-even during the Easter holiday!

Our skilled and experienced attorneys have won billion-dollar results for clients while providing compassionate support. To get started on your free case consultation, call us at 520-977-1900. You can also use our convenient LiveChat service or secure online form to contact us.

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