Gilbert Burn Injury Lawyer

A burn can cause all-encompassing pain for months or years. Some people never fully stop feeling the effects of their burns. Others need extensive surgeries in order to heal. It’s not uncommon for these victims to experience emotional and mental trauma as well. When these types of injuries are caused by another’s negligent or reckless actions, a Gilbert burn injury lawyer may be able to help.

After all, these burn injury effects and treatments end up costing the individual hundreds–or even thousands of dollars. If another party was responsible, they should shoulder the cost of these damages. A Gilbert personal injury attorney from Lerner and Rowe will be able to determine if compensation is potentially possible, let you know if you have a valid case, and provide high-quality representation so that you can focus on recovery.

Gilbert Burn Injury Lawyer

To get started, schedule a free burn injury case evaluation and consultation by calling 602-977-1900, filling out a FREE online form, or using LiveChat to connect right away. A knowledgeable member of our staff will handle your call professionally and conscientiously. Don’t delay! Get Lerner and Rowe on your side today.

Why Hire a Gilbert Burn Injury Lawyer for Help?

A burn injury attorney will handle many aspects of your personal injury claim, from investigating the cause of your injuries to negotiating for a fair amount of compensation on your behalf. Plus, without decades of legal experience under your belt, you could miss out on details that would improve your chances of recovering compensation. 

Types of Claims Our Gilbert Burn Accident Attorneys Help With

In Gilbert, Arizona, the attorneys at Lerner and Rowe can help victims experiencing:

  • Contact burns
  • Scald burns
  • Electrical burns
  • Flame burns
  • Friction burns
  • Chemical burns
  • Flash burns

As is commonly known, burns can happen in six different “degrees.” But you may not know exactly what each degree will affect:

  1. First degree burns (affects the skin’s outer layer)
  2. Second degree burns (burns through the skin’s top two layers)
  3. Third degree burns (includes the burning of the hair, sweat glands, and tissues beneath the top two layers of skin)
  4. Fourth degree burns (burns into the fat layer of the body)
  5. Fifth degree burns (muscle burns)
  6. Sixth degree burns (burns to the bone)

Free Case Review

Individuals who have sustained seemingly minor burn injuries may still be eligible for compensation due to negligence or recklessness. We recommend scheduling a free case evaluation and consultation to discuss your specific situation. Our experienced team can help identify potential legal avenues you may not have considered.

11 Common Causes of Burn Injuries in Gilbert?

The eleven most common causes of burn injuries in Gilbert, Arizona entail:

  1. Boat accidents
  2. Bike accidents
  3. Bus accidents
  4. Car accidents
  5. Slip and falls
  1. Premises liability accidents
  2. Rental car accidents
  3. Rideshare and taxi accidents
  4. Motorcycle accidents
  5. Pedestrian accidents
  6. Truck accidents

Burn injuries can also happen in cases of defective products and elder abuse. And, sometimes extreme burns can lead to a wrongful death. If any of these scenarios seem like they may apply to your situation, call us as soon as you’re ready.

How Long Does My Gilbert Burn Injury Lawyer Have to File My Claim?

Your Gilbert burn injury lawyer will only have a small window of time to file your claim. This is why it’s so important to reach out to Lerner and Rowe as soon as possible. 

Not only will this help ensure that you do not miss your deadline (which will depend on the severity of the injury, parties involved, jurisdiction, and more) but you will also have the chance to receive your compensation in the coming weeks/months rather than months/years.

Choose a Burn Accident Attorney Serving Gilbert from Lerner and Rowe

Burn injuries are painful, but you won’t have to work on recovery AND a personal injury case if you work with Lerner and Rowe. Our knowledgeable and experienced staff in Gilbert commit to providing excellent communications and 24/7 legal help

We focus on one thing–fighting insurance companies that go out of their way to undervalue your burn injury claim. This means that we remain trial ready and will not back down from fighting for your rightful compensation. Our nationwide billion-dollar total results show that we know how to help victims like you who need assistance receiving the money they’re owed after suffering an injury.  

Contact a Gilbert Burn Injury Lawyer at Lerner and Rowe Now

Call 602-977-1900, fill out this FREE online form, or use LiveChat to schedule a free burn injury case evaluation with our Gilbert legal team. We will listen to every detail of your story, take in all the physical evidence you may have collected, and let you know if you have a valid claim. 

From there, we will conduct an investigation, determine the causation of the accident which led to your burn, and calculate how much compensation you’re owed. Our team will then fight to get you the highest amount of fair compensation available to you–all without you needing to lift a finger. Contact Lerner and Rowe now to start the process.