Carson City Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

Accidents in Carson City, NV can happen in many situations, from a leisurely drive to Lake Tahoe to a brisk hike on the Prison Hill Trail. In extreme cases, these accidents may cause injuries that change your life permanently or for an extended period of time. Such injuries are often referred to as catastrophic injuries. Getting fair compensation for life-altering injuries can be challenging, partially because victims often go through a major lifestyle change and cannot devote their full attention to dealing with aggressive insurance agents. To make sure that you receive the money that you’re entitled to, contact the Carson City catastrophic injury lawyer from Lerner and Rowe.

The Carson City personal injury attorney at Lerner and Rowe has extensive experience representing people that have suffered life-changing injuries. Call our seasoned Nevada injury lawyer today at 775-644-4444 to start your free, no obligation consultation.

Carson City Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

Types of Catastrophic Accidents Our Carson City, NV Attorney Represents

Life-altering injuries can happen in all sorts of accidents. Some people incorrectly believe that they only occur in major accidents, such as high-impact car wrecks. The reality is that even simple accidents can lead to a devastating injury. Whether you suffered a bad slip at Carson Hot Springs or were hit by a bicyclist on historic Kit Carson Trail, you deserve compensation if your injuries were caused by the negligence or recklessness of another party.

The Carson City catastrophic injury attorney at Lerner and Rowe has won high settlements for clients that were injured due to:

No matter what type of accident caused your injuries, the Carson City catastrophic injury lawyer can help make sure that you receive the highest compensation allowable by law.

Free Case Review

How Does Nevada Define Catastrophic Injuries?

The standards for life-changing injuries vary from state to state. Nevada’s legal definition of catastrophic injuries is listed in NRS 616A.077. The statute contains 13 criteria for life-altering injuries:

  1. The total loss of sight in one or both eyes
  2. The total loss of hearing in one or both ears
  3. The loss by separation of any arm or leg
  4. An injury to the head or spine which results in paralysis of the legs, the arms, or both the legs and arms
  5. An injury to the head which results in severe cognitive impairment, as determined by a nationally recognized method of objective psychological testing
  6. The total loss of or significant and permanent impairment of speech
  7. An injury consisting of second or third degree burns on 50 percent or more of the body, both hands, or the face
  8. A coma or vegetative state
  9. The loss or significant impairment of function of one or more vital internal organs or organ systems
  10. The mangling, crushing, or amputation of a major portion of an extremity
  11. An injury which the insurer and the injured employee agree should be administered as a claim for a catastrophic injury
  12. An injury determined to be a catastrophic injury pursuant to NRS 616C.703
  13. Any other category of injury deemed to be catastrophic, as determined by the Administrator

Why Do I Need a Carson City Catastrophic Injury Lawyer?

Suffering a life-altering injury can be emotionally and physically agonizing, since your quality of life will change for years or even permanently. As you’re adjusting to a significant lifestyle change, you do not want the hassle of insurance companies that try to devalue your suffering to maximize their profits. Lerner and Rowe can take care of those negotiations for you, allowing you to focus on your life.

Furthermore, the long-term expenses of life-changing injuries can be difficult to calculate. In addition to costs typically associated with personal injury claims–such as medical bills, physical therapy, pain and suffering, and lost wages–you may need money for extraordinary costs, such as home improvements to compensate for a disability. Additionally, inflation should be factored into your settlement, which can be a major point of contention with insurance agents.

The Carson City catastrophic injury lawyer at Lerner and Rowe has a deep understanding of catastrophic injury claims. Additionally, our Northern Nevada attorney understands the strategies used by insurance companies and knows how to defeat them. When you choose our Carson City catastrophic injury lawyer, you can be sure that you’re getting the highest level of legal representation and the best chance of receiving a fair settlement.

Contact a Top Carson City Catastrophic Injury Attorney Today

You can reach the Carson City catastrophic injury lawyer at Lerner and Rowe 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by phone at 775-644-4444 and online through LiveChat or encrypted contact form

Lerner and Rowe has a proven track record of winning billions for our clients nationwide, including $1-billion in the last four years alone. Our firm also puts an emphasis on providing unmatched support to help our clients carry the burden of their injuries. If you’ve suffered any type of injury in Carson City, NV and believe that it was caused by the actions or inactions of another party, then contact us for a free consultation.