Roswell Wrongful Death Lawyer

Death is a sad and tragic part of life, but there are some cases where it’s preventable. When a death is caused by someone else’s negligence or recklessness, then that party is responsible for damages. While grieving for a loved one is a difficult process that understandably requires time, action needs to be taken quickly in cases of avoidable and unintentional death. A Roswell wrongful death lawyer from Lerner and Rowe will listen to your situation with compassion and fight for your justice with ferocity.

Our New Mexico wrongful death lawyers have witnessed too many grieving families being taken advantage of by insurance companies. Let us take care of all your legal needs, so you can focus on grieving instead of dealing with opportunistic insurance agents. To start your free consultation, call our Roswell personal injury attorneys at 575-544-4444.

Roswell Wrongful Death Lawyer

Wrongful Death Causes Our Roswell Injury Lawyers Handle

According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were 227,039 unintentional injury deaths in 2022. Such tragedies can occur for a wide variety of reasons. Our Roswell injury attorneys have successfully represented families that have lost loved ones due to:

The causes of wrongful death are varied and, in some cases, difficult to prove. The wrongful death lawyer team at Lerner and Rowe has extensive experience winning these types of cases and earning maximum settlements for our clients.

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Why Work with a Roswell Personal Injury Attorney?

Losing a loved one is one of life’s most challenging experiences. During this time of grief, it’s natural to focus on the emotional impact while setting aside the practical considerations. At Lerner and Rowe, our experienced wrongful death attorneys are here to handle the legal complexities, allowing you and your family to focus on emotional and spiritual healing. We can help you pursue compensation for:

While the emotional toll of losing a loved one is profound, the financial consequences of their passing can also be overwhelming. Understandably, many families put these matters aside in the immediate aftermath. However, addressing the practical impact is essential for long-term stability. Lerner and Rowe is dedicated to securing the maximum compensation for our clients, providing the support they need during this difficult time.

Contact a Top Roswell Wrongful Death Lawyer Today

Lerner and Rowe will listen to your situation with care and respect. As you’re dealing with your loss, you can be assured that our Roswell wrongful death lawyer team will work hard in order to build you the strongest case possible. Then, when the time comes, we will represent you aggressively and effectively against insurance companies and in court.

Lerner and Rowe is available to assist you 24/7. Start your free, no-obligation consultation today by contacting us by phone at 575-544-4444, online through LiveChat, or via our secure contact form

Our accomplished injury attorneys have recovered billions of dollars for our clients nationwide, fighting tirelessly to ensure they receive fair treatment. Furthermore, our commitment to client care is reflected in our exceptional reviews and our reputation as one of the most trusted law firms in America. When you work with Lerner and Rowe, you can be assured of receiving unmatched legal representation from legal professionals that will treat you with compassion and respect during a difficult time.