Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 602-977-1900

Arizona Coronavirus Outbreak Safety (COVID-19)

Arizona Coronavirus Outbreak Safety (COVID-19)

Update January 20, 2021: A federal mask mandate is in effect immediately as per President Joe Biden’s executive order. The EO follows the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in hopes of limiting the spread of COVID-19. Federal employees will be required to wear masks while working on federal property. Those visiting federal facilities and lands will be required to wear masks as well.

Arizonans that plan on visiting any post offices, national parks, federal courthouses, or other federal offices will be required to wear masks. If you plan on doing any interstate travel by airplane, bus, train, or other public transportation, mask use will be mandatory.

Update January 14, 2021: The Arizona Department of Health has announced that the state is entering phase 1B of its COVID-19 vaccination plan. Arizonans 65 and older are eligible for vaccination. Registration for appointments will begin on January 19, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. 

In Phoenix, Phoenix Municipal Stadium (5999 E. Van Buren Street) will serve as a mass vaccination site starting February 1, 2021. Those interested in scheduling an appointment for vaccination should visit the AZDHS Patient Portal.

The Arizona coronavirus outbreak has infected hundreds of thousands of residents with the COVID-19 disease as of December 2020. The United States government continues to recommend social distancing, limiting group gatherings, and self-quarantining following possible exposure. Now more than ever it is important to stay vigilant in order to keep you and your family safe.

Governor Doug Ducey continues to release updated executive orders and guidance for Arizona in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Arizona Department of Health Services. Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego and Tucson Mayor Regina Romero have also updated guidelines for their cities. To get the latest information on Arizona coronavirus outbreak and how it’s being handled in your area, check with your county’s official website.

To help you and your family stay safe during this precarious time, Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys has put together a list of valuable Arizona coronavirus safety tips.

Do Not Travel Unless Absolutely Necessary

Only leave the house when you need to purchase food or essential household items. Do not leave the house for social engagements, entertainment, or discretionary shopping. While there are less people on the road, many are panicked or on edge. This could lead to an otherwise avoidable car accident.

Be Vigilant While Shopping

Groceries and big box stores are full of “panic buyers.” Staff is often short. This can lead to stores being in disarray, with disheveled aisles and spilled products. Chaos in stores can result in a slip-and-fall accident.

Store parking lots can also be frenzied. Distracted drivers may be focused on finding a spot and making their purchases as quickly as possible, instead of driving safely. As you make your way back to your vehicle, keep an eye out for distracted drivers in order to avoid a pedestrian accident.

Practice Good Hygiene

Something as simple as thoroughly washing your hands for at least 20 seconds goes a long way towards containing the Arizona coronavirus outbreak. To further protect yourself, avoid touching your face, eyes, and mouth. Cough or sneeze into your forearm or elbow. Offer a nice verbal greeting instead of shaking hands.

Stay Up-to-Date With Trusted Resources

With heavy uncertainty and bad information spreading through social media, it’s crucial for you to get correct information from trusted sources. Here are the Arizona coronavirus outbreak resources recommended by Lerner are Rowe Injury Attorneys.

If you have friends and family that live in places served by Lerner and Rowe, please direct them to our COVID-19 Resources Page.

Contact Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys

Everyone at Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys hopes that you and your family stay safe and well during the Arizona coronavirus outbreak. Please follow our safety tips and government guidelines. Should you or a loved one suffer an injury during this time, please contact us by phone at 602-977-1900 or through the Internet via LiveChat or secure online form.

The information on this blog is for general information purposes only. Nothing herein should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.