Santa Fe Burn Injury Lawyers

Burns can be one of the most painful injuries that a person can endure. Some can even lower your quality of life permanently. Burn recovery may require skin grafts, surgeries, physical therapy, and much more–all at a high cost. If you or a family member suffered burns caused by another party, then the Santa Fe burn injury lawyers at Lerner and Rowe may be able to help.

Working with an experienced Santa Fe injury attorney from Lerner and Rowe greatly increases your chances of receiving financial compensation for your burn injury. Your attorney will work to see if another party is liable and then demand compensation from their insurance company. This is a vastly complex process, so it’s best to have experienced and knowledgeable legal representation. 

To schedule a free case evaluation and consultation, call us at 505-444-4444. Our team will investigate your situation and let you know if you have a valid claim.

Free Case Review

Why Hire Santa Fe Burn Injury Lawyers After an Accident?

We will listen to the story of what happened and determine if you have a valid personal injury claim. If so, we will dive into an investigation to prove who the liable party is. Whoever is liable should cover the cost of the medical treatments they caused, as well as the wages you miss from time away from work, and more. Determining liability and then holding this party accountable can be complicated, which is why an attorney is essential.

Types of Burn Injuries Lerner and Rowe Can Handle in Santa Fe

In Santa Fe, we handle cases for burn victims that include:

  • First degree burns (top layer of skin)
  • Second degree burns (affecting the top two layers of skin)
  • Third degree burns (hair, tissues, glands)
  • Fourth degree burns (fat layer)
  • Fifth degree burns (muscle)
  • Sixth degree burns (bone)

Sadly, these injuries often are only the beginning. Our clients have experienced infections, breathing issues, major internal organ damage, chronic pain, and trauma as a result of their burns. 

Santa Fe Burn Injury Lawyers

Causes of Burn Injuries in Santa Fe

Here are just some of the most common ways that burn injuries can happen in Santa Fe, NM:

  • Contact burns
  • Oil spill burns
  • Electrical burns
  • Flame burns
  • Loss of limb due to severe burns
  • Industrial and residential fires
  • Laser burns
  • Friction burns
  • Chemical burns
  • Flash burns
  • Scald burns
  • Smoke inhalation
  • Radiation burns

Fires, explosions, chemical exposure, and friction can happen in a myriad of circumstances. An attorney from Lerner and Rowe will know exactly how to investigate and build an effective case that will give you your best shot at compensation. 

How Long Do Victims Have to File New Mexico Burn Injury Claims?

Burn victims in Santa Fe have generally three years from the date of their injury to file a claim. This period, set forth by our state’s statute of limitations, may seem long, but it passes quickly for people that are recovering from significant injuries. Some victims are placed in a coma following a burn, or at the very least, are hospitalized for some time. If you wait too long, then you won’t be able to receive your rightful compensation.

This is why you should call Lerner and Rowe as soon as possible. Doing so will unlock high-quality representation, meaning that we will handle all communication with the other party from here on out. 

Moreover, your attorney will handle complex negotiations with the involved insurance companies. With Lerner and Rowe on your side, this is taken fully off of your plate, allowing you to focus on your health and recovery.

Choose Lerner and Rowe Following Life-Altering Injuries

Our Santa Fe personal injury lawyers are committed to providing excellent communication. Should your claim proceed to a trial, be assured that our attorneys have extensive trial experience. Lerner and Rowe focuses on fighting the most aggressive tactics enacted by the liable party’s insurance companies. Furthermore, we have a proven track record of successful claims for injury victims across the country.

Reach out now to receive this same kind of service. And remember, there are no fees from Lerner and Rowe unless we win your case.

Contact Top Santa Fe Burn Injury Attorneys Today

Our number is 505-444-4444. But you can also reach us through LiveChat, or by simply filling out this FREE online form. Our team of attorneys is ready to help 24/7, so contact us as soon as possible. We will schedule a free case evaluation and consultation, during which we will determine if you have a valid claim.

Don’t try to build a burn injury claim all alone. Instead, let our legal team help you receive the financial compensation you deserve. Contact Lerner and Rowe today to get the process started.