Rio Rancho Boating Accident Lawyer

New Mexico offers more than just beautiful desert scenery, great hiking, and ATV trails. There are crystal blue, naturally occurring waters that allow the outdoor enthusiast to enjoy a reprieve from the dry heat. Many enjoy boating, water sports, kayaking, and fishing, but whenever there is an increased number of people on the water, there is also a higher chance of being involved in an accident. If you find yourself in a boat crash or similar situation, call a Rio Rancho boating accident lawyer at Lerner and Rowe. 

Our knowledgeable attorneys are available 24/7 to help you after an accident. The Rio Rancho personal injury lawyers at Lerner and Rowe have experience with boating injury cases even in the high desert of New Mexico. Don’t hesitate to get the legal help you deserve when you need it most. Call us at 575-544-4444 to schedule a free consultation

Rio Rancho Boating Accident Lawyer

Why You Need a Rio Rancho Personal Injury Lawyer After a Boat Crash

Boat wrecks can come with unexpected consequences in the form of devastating injuries and other damages. With the right attorney, you may be able to receive compensation for:

Moreover, a water sport accident can happen when you are tubing, skiing, wakeboarding, or any other activity that involves being towed behind a boat. These accidents are also represented by our well-versed injury attorneys who serve the Rio Rancho area. 

Types of Claims Our Rio Rancho Boating Accident Attorneys Handle

Accidents on the water can take many forms. In Rio Rancho, our New Mexico injury lawyer team can assist victims who have suffered harm related to the following incidents:

  • Boating under the influence (BUI)
  • Reckless boat driving
  • Boat crashes with fixed objects
  • Drowning accidents
  • Incidents caused by loosened cargo onboard
  • Launch area and deck accidents
  • Distracted boat driving
  • Collisions with pedal boats
  • Kayak-related accidents
  • Sailboat crashes
  • Speed boat wrecks
  • Jet Ski crash
  • Slips and falls on a damaged or slick deck
  • Defective products and instruments

Sometimes, boat crashes can happen while the vessel is in transit on a trailer. In these cases, cars, motorcycles, and trucks can be involved. Our attorneys have seen all kinds of accidents and will use their experience to give you the best chance of winning your case. 

Free Case Review

13 Injuries Caused by Violation of a Boater’s Duty of Care

Injuries on the water often happen when there is a violation of a boater’s duty of care. In other words, the person in charge of the boat has an obligation to the people around them to keep them safe. They must ensure that the boat is safe and well maintained. If they don’t, severe injuries can occur, such as:

  • Burns (can happen against fuel tanks or motors)
  • Broken bones
  • Lacerations
  • Internal organ injuries
  • Electrocution
  • Whiplash and other neck injuries
  • Accidental amputations or disfigurement
  • Face, head, and skull injuries
  • Crush injuries
  • Spinal cord damage
  • Traumatic Brian Injuries (TBI)
  • Hypothermia
  • Scarring

Propeller injuries can be particularly catastrophic, and many can lead to wrongful death. If you or a loved one has suffered any of these injuries, now is the time to contact an experienced lawyer from Lerner and Rowe. 

Rules that Apply to New Mexico’s Bodies of Water

There are rules that all boaters in New Mexico should know before getting on the water. Wearable life jackets must be worn and available to every passenger on the watercraft. You need a spare paddle, whistle, and a throwable device in the case that someone falls overboard. You should also not be consuming alcohol while operating a boat or even a non-motorized watercraft. 

In every accident on the water (and on the road), there is a limited amount of time that you have to file an injury claim in New Mexico. Call a boating accident lawyer from Lerner and Rowe soon to make sure you did not miss any important deadlines. 

Choose a Rio Rancho Boating Accident Lawyer from Lerner and Rowe

The boating accident lawyers at Lerner and Rowe provide free consultations to go over your questions and the details of your claim. We provide 24/7 help and are committed to providing excellent communication during our time working together. 

In Rio Rancho, we are focused on one thing–fighting insurance companies that go out of their way to undervalue your boat crash injury claim. We have a proven track record for winning results for our clients across the United States. Best of all, there is no fee until you win when you work with us.

Call a Rio Rancho Boating Accident Lawyer at Lerner and Rowe Soon!

After a boat wreck in Rio Rancho, you need a practiced attorney on your side. After all, it may not be obvious if another party led to the accident. 

Call one of our knowledgeable legal team at 575-544-4444. You can also reach us through a FREE online form or through LiveChat.