Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 615-333-8888

Five Important Safety Tips to Avoid a Nashville Pedestrian Accident

Five Important Safety Tips to Avoid a Nashville Pedestrian Accident

Spring is nearly here and the weather in Nashville is warming up. This means that more people will be out on the streets, enjoying everything our amazing city has to offer. With highly-walkable neighborhoods like Downtown and East Nashville, ours is one of the most enjoyable cities in Tennessee to experience on foot. However, that also means that the potential for a Nashville pedestrian accident is high.

The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) estimated 64 Tennessee pedestrian fatalities in 2019, an increase of 21% from 2018. Last year, national pedestrian deaths reached 6,590–the highest totals since 1988. The GHSA claimed that distracted driving, distracted walking, drowsy driving, and increased sports utility vehicle (SUV) use contributed to the higher number of fatalities. To help you and your loved ones avoid a Nashville pedestrian accident, as well as to celebrate Move More Month, Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys presents the following safety tips.

Minimize Phone Use While Walking

With mobile phones becoming more powerful and apps becoming more immersive, people are using their phones more than ever. Unfortunately, some pedestrians pay too much attention to their phone and not enough attention to their surroundings. 

Distracted walkers put themselves and those around them at risk; one misstep could lead to bruises, lacerations, fractures, and other types of personal injuries. When you add distracted drivers to the mix, it’s easy to understand how mobile phone use has contributed to the increase in pedestrian fatalities.

Stick to Sidewalks as Much as Possible

Staying on the sidewalk goes a long way towards avoiding a Nashville pedestrian accident. When you step out onto the street, you’ll be sharing the road with cars, bicycles, trucks, motorcycles, and more. There’s a lot more that can go wrong on the street than on the sidewalk, both in terms of frequency and severity. If you’re enjoying our excellent city by foot, you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to keep to the sidewalk as much as possible.

Only Cross at Intersections or Crosswalks

Crossing the street at properly designated areas is common sense. While everyone knows that they should cross streets at crosswalks, they don’t always do it. What some people don’t know is that Tennessee law doesn’t give pedestrians the right of way if they jaywalk. The law states:

When crossing the road at any point other than a marked crosswalk or unmarked crosswalk at an intersection, a pedestrian has a statutory duty to yield the right of way to all vehicles on the roadway.

Take the extra time to cross the street at crosswalks. Saving a few seconds of time isn’t worth the risk of a life-altering accident.

Don’t Wear Headphones While Walking

Some people like to listen to music while they walk. This can have disastrous consequences. Hearing oncoming traffic or people shouting to get your attention are vital to avoiding a Nashville pedestrian accident

Additionally, electric cars are becoming more popular and their motors are much quieter than internal combustion engines. If you’re wearing headphones then you might not be able to hear the hum of an electric vehicle. Similar to how you shouldn’t use your phone while walking, you shouldn’t walk while wearing headphones since they’ll take your attention away from your surroundings.

Wear Bright Colors and Reflective Clothing at Night

Nashville has some of the best nightlife in Tennessee. However, not all of the hottest spots are as brightly lit as Downtown Nashville’s Broadway. If you’re planning on a night of bar hopping or other activity that will have you walking from venue to venue, it’s important to wear clothing that motorists can easily see. 

Opt for bright colors or a jacket that has a reflective strip so that drivers can spot you. Doing so can be the difference between staying safe and getting into a serious accident.

Contact a Nashville Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys hopes that you and your family follow these important safety tips. However, we understand that accidents can happen no matter how safe you act. Should you or a loved one get into a Nashville pedestrian accident, contact us at your earliest convenience. 

Our team of proficient lawyers will do everything possible to win you maximum compensation while you recover from your injuries.

You can contact us 24/7 by phone at 615-333-8888 or through the Internet via LiveChat or secure online form. If you wish to visit us in person, our office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

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