Chicago Summer Cycling Safety Guide

Chicago Summer Cycling Safety Guide

5 Chicago Summer Cycling Safety Safety Tips 

Chicago is regarded as one of the best large cities in America for bicycling. Pedaling through the city in the summer is a great way to exercise, see the sights up close, and cut down on pollution. However, it’s important to follow proper Chicago summer cycling safety in order to avoid a personal injury and get the most out of your biking. The following Chicago summer cycling safety tips from the bike accident attorneys at Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys will help you stay safe during your summer cycling.

Always Wear a Helmet

Although Illinois does not mandate the use of helmets for biking, wearing one goes a long way towards Chicago summer cycling safety. An approved safety helmet that’s properly fitted and adjusted will help protect your head in case of a fall or collision. 

If you’re not sure what type of helmet is appropriate for you or a member of your family, check out the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) for more information.

The Chicago bicycle accident attorneys at Lerner and Rowe strongly recommend the use of helmets by bikers of all ages. Using a helmet can make the difference between a painful bump and a severe brain injury.

Make Sure Your Bicycle Has the Right Safety Equipment

Check your bicycle before each ride to make sure it’s in good condition and all the necessary safety equipment is in working order. You should have front and rear reflectors, as well ones on the sides of your wheels and pedals. Equip your bike with a horn or bell loud enough to alert people 100 feet away.

Obey the Rules of the Road

In Illinois, Chicago bicycle accident attorneys advise cyclists that they must obey the same traffic laws as those that apply to motorists. Ride in the same direction as the flow of traffic, as close to the right side as you can.

Use Bike Lanes Whenever Possible

Chicago will soon have more than 500 miles of designated bike lanes. These lanes are much easier to navigate than regular lanes that put you in the flow of traffic. They are there not only for your protection, but to keep motorists and pedestrians safe.

Watch Out for Parked Cars

Drivers unexpectedly opening their doors are a common danger to bicyclists. Be especially alert in areas where you’re passing parked cars so you have enough time to react.

Bonus Chicago Summer Cycling Safety Tip: Keep an Eye Out for Debris and Other Hazards

Potholes, debris, and other similar hazards can easily lead to a bicycle accident. Keep an eye out for hazards and prepare to stop or move around it in a safe manner.

Contact a Chicago Bike Accident Lawyer

Lerner and Rowe hope that you have many opportunities for a safe and enjoyable bike ride this summer. Please follow the tips above to maximize your Chicago summer cycling safety. If you have friends or family members that are avid bikers, share these tips with them.

If you’ve been injured in a bicycle accident, contact our Chicago accident attorneys today. Our team has extensive experience with bicycle accident cases and offers free consultations. 

Our office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and we’re available by phone at 708-222-2222 24/7. You can also reach us through our online form or LiveChat service.

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