Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 708-222-2222

Chicago Car Accidents

With over 8.5-million registered drivers in Illinois, automobile accidents are a common occurrence on Illinois roads. An accident is even more likely to occur in a densely populated and highly-traveled area like Chicago. Of the 324,473 car accidents reported in 2016 in Illinois, approximately 164,717 happened in Cook County.

Illinois roadways present unique challenges that are often difficult to navigate; to a new teenage driver and an experienced commuter alike. Hazardous road conditions, like ice and snow, can lead to car accidents and serious personal injuries.

Every injured car accident victim should contact an experienced Chicago car accident attorney who will analyze the specifics of their situation and also, determine a course of action that will get them a proper financial settlement.

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Illinois Car Accident Laws

A car accident victim could receive severe injuries that can lead to a long recovery process. This recovery can put a significant strain on a person’s finances and cause serious stress for that person’s immediate family. A claim created by a car accident requires a deep understanding of all relevant laws; including rules of the road, insurance, and medical liens. No car accident victim should take on these complex laws and the insurance companies all alone, especially when the insurance companies are supported by teams of lawyers.

The potentially life-altering consequences from a serious automobile accident make it even more important that an accident victim immediately get the advice and counsel from a personal injury lawyer after an accident. For example, most do not know that there is a two-year time limit for filing a lawsuit. It is not uncommon for accident victims to believe that they will reach a settlement with the insurance company only to learn that the process has taken so long that their statute of limitations has expired and their right to recover is gone.

The complex laws related to automobile accidents make it vital for accident victims to retain the services of an experienced car accident attorney in Chicago who will accurately explain the legal process and also guide them through every decision along the way.

Determining Fault in a Car Accident

After a car accident, the responsible party often attempts to deflect their liability and claim that the injured party is either completely or partially at fault for the accident. Insurance companies use such claims about liability to deny claims by injured accident victims.

When situations like these arise, Illinois law uses a modified comparative fault system to apportion the responsibility for damages caused by a car accident. A person can receive damages only if the other party is determined to be more at fault. However, the damages awarded will be reduced by the percentage determined to be their share of liability for the accident. An accident victim who was 30% responsible for the accident will also have their recovery reduced by the same percentage.

After suffering an injury in an accident, a victim may receive pressure from the insurance company for the responsible driver to settle quickly. While settling quickly and getting money fast may be tempting, an accident victim who settles quickly and without the protection of an experienced Chicago car accident attorney usually settles for less than they deserve. They usually settle before they understand the full extent of their injuries, the final amount of their medical bills, or the full value of their claim. By obtaining the services of an experienced attorney, a person places their trust in a legal professional who will advocate for their rights and will also make sure that a fair settlement is reached.

How a Lawyer Can Help You

The injured victim due to another driver’s negligence must not leave their fate to chance. By retaining the services of a Chicago car accident attorney, injured accident victims create the best chance for a positive outcome and tilt the odds in their favor against the insurance company.

A Chicago car accident attorney carefully reviews all the evidence of the case at hand and creates a strategy that will present the claim in the most favorable light to the insurance company or defense attorney. You can expect Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys to provide a direct answer to every challenge the insurance companies and defense attorney present to the claim. The burden of addressing the insurance companies and the challenges falls on the attorney.