Involved in a Hit and Run in Chicago?

Every time you enter your car and get on the road, you put yourself at risk of getting into a car accident. Even if you follow all the rules of the road and drive with the utmost caution, it’s an unavoidable fact of operating a motor vehicle. Get the help of a car accident lawyer Illinois […]

Welfare on the Water—Top 5 Safety Tips

Summer is here, and the hot, humid days are among us. With them comes the temptation to jump into a nice, cool pool or lake and enjoy the season. However, there are always risks when it comes to aquatic activities. Things can go wrong, and it’s important to know how to stay safe on the […]

What to Do If a Dog Attacks Your Child

Children are smaller, faster and more excitable than adults, leaving them more vulnerable to dog attacks. Vicious dogs pose a serious threat to the health and safety of your child, so you should instruct your child to deal with strange dogs the same way you tell them to deal with strange people. Unfortunately, teaching your […]

Leash Laws and Who’s Responsible

Millions of people suffer dog bites each year, and some of the injuries can be quite serious. Some people require emergency room care and/or hospitalization as a result of dog bites. In some cases, this type of injury can even be fatal. April 9 through April 15 is Dog Bite Prevention Week. Our Chicago dog […]

Pedestrian Safety in Chicago: What Makes Chicago So ‘Walkable?’

Many cities encourage their populace to walk more. They realize how it improves quality of life and the health and safety of its citizens. Many residents place a high priority on walk-ability. It fosters a sense of community while saving gas and enjoying the city. Redfin named Chicago the sixth most walkable city in America. […]

RoundUp Verdict Reached, Bayer Faces Liability 

Bayer suffered a second defeat at the hands of U.S. Courts from claims that the weed-killer RoundUp causes cancer. Bayers legal woes stem from the acquisition of Monsanto Co., following the finalized $63 billion transaction in June of 2018. They worsened with the loss of a separate California case that was ruled in favor of […]

What Should You Do After You Suffered an Injury?

After a traffic accident an injured person can often feel overwhelmed by fear and uncertainty. Especially, immediately after the accident occurs. So what should you do after you suffered an injury in Chicago due to the reckless actions of another driver? At Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys, we have answers to that question. Please look […]

Warm up with Lerner and Rowe’s Valentine’s Day Giveaway

**THE ENTRY PERIOD FOR THIS GIVEAWAY HAS ENDED. ** While the cold weather is without a doubt at your doorstep, you still have a chance to win a heartwarming date night for this Valentine’s Day. How? Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys is here with a special treat for you and your sweetheart. The Valentine’s Day […]

5 Preventative Tips for Driving at Night in Chicago

Night driving is a very common occurrence. We all do it, even more around the holidays. In fact, 25% of our driving is during the nighttime hours. Night driving also presents unique driving challenges and risks that may not occur during the day. It’s very important to ensure your safety and prepare yourself for the […]