Merrillville Paralysis Injury Lawyer

Paralysis is one of the most difficult situations an individual and their family can ever face. Nothing can bring your former life and mobility back, but a Merrillville paralysis injury lawyer can work to get you compensation so that the circumstances of your new life are as comfortable as possible. That includes allowing you to receive the care you need and compensation for your damages.

Common Injuries Which Can Cause Paralysis

Paralysis may result from disease, but injuries resulting in paralysis may not be the fault of the victim. Common causes of paralysis include:

Types of paralysis include:

  • Monoplegia – affecting only one arm or leg
  • Hemiplegia – affecting the arm and leg on one side of the body
  • Paraplegia – affecting both legs
  • Quadriplegia – affecting all four limbs

Much depends on whether the injury to the spinal cord, which sends signals from the brain to other parts of the body. If the spinal injury is incomplete, the patient may still maintain some movement and sensation – although this retention is neither necessarily permanent nor predictable. A complete spinal cord injury renders the sending of signals impossible.

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Diagnosis and Treatment

A person with a suspected spinal cord injury from an accident requires immediate emergency care. Many patients cannot breathe on their own and require the use of a respirator. Doctors diagnose the severity of the paralysis via X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs), and computerized tomography scans.

With few exceptions, paralysis is permanent. When the patient is stabilized and some of the swelling associated with the injury has receded, neurological tests are performed. These tests indicate whether the patient can sense touch in the affected area or any ability to move.

Treatment – usually at a spinal injury center – includes drug therapy, surgery and preventing secondary issues related to paralysis. The patient could likely spend the rest of their life in a wheelchair and require various types of special equipment and home modifications or alternate living arrangements.

Damage Caps and Comparative Fault Laws

Indiana places a cap on the amount of damages plaintiffs can recover for certain types of injury. If the paralysis occurred because of medical malpractice, the maximum amount the plaintiff may receive is just $1.25 million – not a lot of money for someone who will need care for the rest of their lives.

The state also has comparative fault laws. For example, when a case goes to trial, the jury may decide based on the evidence presented that the person paralyzed in an auto accident was partially at fault. Perhaps the jury finds the plaintiff 20 percent responsible for the cause of the crash. Any award is then reduced by that fault percentage.

Paralysis Injury Lawyers Can Help

While paralysis is tough, life is not over. Experienced attorneys in Merrillville fight aggressively for their clients. While many paralysis cases are settled, we do not hesitate to go to court if we do not find the offered compensation sufficient for our client’s long-term needs.

If you or a loved one has suffered paralysis because of the negligence or recklessness of another person or entity, you need the services of a Merrillville paralysis injury lawyer. Contact an attorney as soon as possible to review the circumstances of your case and learn your options.