Naperville Car Accident Lawyers

Were you involved in a car accident in Naperville, Illinois? Collisions with fellow cars, trucks, and other motor vehicles can lead to devastating circumstances for the drivers and passengers of the involved vehicles. Between injuries and the new financial burden of missing time from work and paying medical bills, it’s hard for the typical family to return to the way life was before the accident. That’s why many car accident victims reach out to the Naperville car accident lawyers at Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys.

We help crash victims in Naperville and across Illinois stand up to tough insurance companies. By working with an experienced car accident attorney, you will be on the right track towards winning financial compensation. To take advantage of our high-quality legal representation, call 708-222-2222, fill out this FREE online form or use our convenient online LiveChat feature.

Naperville car accident lawyers

The Leading Causes of Car Accidents in the City of Naperville

According to Safe Roads USA, a company dedicated to making city-specific traffic statistics easily and readily available, the most common type of crash that occurred in 2021 were turning collisions. Meanwhile, 44% of car accidents that same year were rear-end collisions. Both turning collisions and rear-end collisions can be caused by reckless and negligent actions like:

  • Distracted driving
  • Tailgating
  • Speeding
  • Checking your smartphone

Other causes of accidents in Naperville include fatigued driving and brake checking, a dangerous practice often fueled by road rage. Your car accident attorney’s first job will be to figure out what was the ultimate cause of your case. Once they know that, they will work to prove the responsible party is liable for any costs associated with your injuries.

Free Case Review

Was My Car Accident in Naperville, Illinois Partially My Fault?

Illinois is an at-fault state, but still uses some basic principles of comparative fault when determining personal injury settlements. This is known as modified comparative negligence. To put it simply, if you caused 51% or more of your accident, you won’t be able to seek financial compensation from the other party’s insurance company.

So, even if your car accident in Naperville was partially your fault, you may still be able to receive financial compensation if your attorney can prove that you were only responsible for 49% of the cause of the accident. This is why gathering evidence and getting a knowledgeable attorney are the two most important steps in building a successful lawsuit.

How Can I Get Compensation for Damages?

The focus of your car accident injury lawsuit is to win compensation for the damages incurred upon you by another’s negligent or reckless actions. For your best chance at winning compensation for these damages, follow these steps:

  1. Save everything from your accident. From photos to your own written log of symptoms as they appear, anything can make or break your personal injury case.
  2. Follow all of your doctor’s advice and orders. Don’t skip any prescribed medication doses. 
  3. Contact a personal injury law firm in Naperville before the statute of limitations expires on your accident. The Illinois statute of limitations gives you two years from the date of your accident to file a claim, and this time can pass quickly. 
  4. Set up a free case evaluation and consultation at Lerner and Rowe. Tell your attorney about your accident and hand over any evidence you may have already collected.

Our attorneys will take it from there so that you can rest and heal after your accident, during surgeries, and throughout physical therapy. Injuries after an accident can take over much of your life, and so we will handle the legal side of things while you recover.

Common Injuries for Naperville Car Accident Victims

Car accident victims can suffer from many different injuries, often at once, especially if the accident happened at high speeds. Our Naperville car accident lawyers have worked with clients that had the following injuries: 

  • Internal organ injuries
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Onset of anxiety/depression
  • Worsening of prior injuries and/or conditions
  • Paralysis or whiplash
  • Broken bones
  • Bruises, cuts, and lacerations
  • Burns
  • Facial and head injuries
  • Disfigurement
  • Loss of limbs

When we build your case, we will not work to only cover the cost of your medical expenses. We will also consider how these injuries and the experience of the accident will affect your life in non-economic ways. For example, we may be able to get you compensation for your pain and suffering, loss of companionship, or a loss of quality of life. 

Work with the Top Naperville Car Accident Lawyers Near Me 

In order to build a strong case that will consider compensation for both economic and non-economic damages, it’s best to work with experienced Naperville area motor vehicle accident attorneys that know their way around Illinois law. You can find these motor vehicle lawyers at Lerner and Rowe.

We focus on standing up against the big insurance companies. These insurance companies go out of their way to undervalue the claims that come across their desk. When this happens, the insurance companies save money–and victims of car accidents lose the monetary amounts they need to return to their former quality of life. 

So, don’t hesitate when you consider reaching out to Lerner and Rowe. To set up your case evaluation, call 708-222-2222, fill out this FREE online form, or use LiveChat. There is no fee until you win your case, so don’t wait for the statute of limitations to run out- call us today.