Chicago Animal Related Car Accidents

Chicago animal-related car accidents

When you are out driving, especially in the more rural areas outside of Chicago, it’s not uncommon to come across animals like deer, dogs, cats, and other wildlife in the road. This time of year in particular can be dangerous, as some of the peak months for animal-related car accidents are between October and December. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), there were 202 car fatalities due to collisions with animals in 2020. Chicago animal-related car accidents can lead to catastrophic injuries, totaled cars, and in the most serious accidents, even wrongful death.

Our Chicago personal injury attorneys answer some common questions about animal-related car accidents. 

What Happens If I Hit a Wild Animal? 

After hitting a wild animal, the first thing you should do is make sure you or any passengers are not injured. Call 911 to report injuries and the accident. If the scene of the accident is backing up traffic, the police will need to arrive to direct traffic. You should report the accident to the police to obtain documentation for your insurance. The police can also have the proper authorities called to remove the animal. 

When you hit a wild animal, there is no negligent owner to hold liable. This means that the responsibility is on you, the driver. Depending on your insurance policy and the nature of the accident, your insurance company may or may not cover the costs of damage to your vehicle and any injuries. Call your insurance company as soon as possible after the accident to file a claim. 

What If I Hit a Domestic Animal?

Just like in an accident with a wild animal, you should call 911 and check for injuries. You should also check on the animal. If possible, move the animal out of the road. Additionally, if the animal is wearing a collar with name tags, call and alert the owner. 

Chicago animal-related car accidents involving a pet or farm animal are a completely different situation from an accident involving a wild animal. Domestic animals are considered property. The owner is expected to keep the animal contained and under control. If you hit a domestic animal, you might be able to obtain compensation from the owner. 

Tips to Prevent Chicago Animal-Related Car Accidents

There is no way to fully prevent an animal-related car accident. The tips outlined below can help you drive safely and in preventing Chicago animal-related car accidents. 

  • Stay alert when driving: the majority of animals, including deer, are most active at dawn, in the early morning, and just before sunset. When you’re out driving at these times, keep an eye out for deer. 
  • Slow down: if you see deer or other animals, slow down and be ready to stop.
  • Be prepared for deer possibly running towards your car: when deer are scared, they often circle around or sprint back toward your car.  
  • Avoid tailgating: following too closely, or tailgating, can cause or worsen accidents. Make sure to leave enough space between vehicles.
  • Be careful around animals’ surroundings: deer often gravitate towards water and the edges of fields, forests, and fences.
  • Use high beams: in the dark, using high beam headlights may allow a driver to see animals a few seconds sooner, perhaps preventing an accident. 
  • Alert the animal: when you see an animal on the road, honk your hurt in short bursts, flash your headlights, and slow down.
  • Do not swerve: for many, their first instinct is to swerve to avoid hitting an animal. This can be dangerous and lead to more severe accidents like rollover accidents.

How Lerner and Rowe Can Help After Chicago Animal-Related Car Accidents

Accidents involving animals can be complex, especially wild animals. However, accidents involving domestic animals are caused by negligent owners, which is why you should contact the team of Chicago personal injury attorneys at Lerner and Rowe as soon as possible after an animal-related car accident.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a Chicago animal-related car accident due to the negligence of another person, Lerner and Rowe can help. Our team can fight for you in court and can ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries and property damage. Call us 708-222-2222 for your free case consultation. We can also be reached by  LiveChat or you can fill out our contact form

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