Maywood Personal Injury Lawyer
Auto Accident Attorneys

Everything we do in life includes some risk; traveling, walking through a store, going to the doctor, or even taking medications. Despite making every careful effort, we cannot always anticipate and avoid injury caused by the negligent acts of others. When a victim of another’s negligent conduct, they have certain rights to recover for damages. Statistics show us that personal injuries occur a lot more often than one might think. According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there are over 6 million auto accidents each year in the United States. Many of these accidents are caused by the negligent actions of drivers who fail to operate their car in a safe manner under the circumstances.
Even “slip and fall” accidents happen at an alarmingly high rate. Research from the National Safety Council Mission reports that over seven million injuries are attributed to “slip and fall” cases each year, and a number of those accidents are caused by property owner’s faulty equipment or failure to comply with building codes.
Accidents like these can result in a person experiencing severe injuries and lasting disabilities that are devastating to a person’s financial well-being and overall quality of life. Because of these risks, it is crucial that a person take all the necessary steps to protect themselves by retaining the services of a Maywood personal injury lawyer.
A Maywood personal injury lawyer will work extremely hard for accident victims to recover a fair compensation that will help alleviate any financial stress a person may be under. They will also work tirelessly to ensure that justice is given to anyone who has been dealt a bad hand due to the negligent actions of another.
Common Types of Personal Injury Cases
The fact that accidents can occur at any moment, means that they can happen at any place as well. Personal injury cases most often transpire in places that people frequent regularly, and the top categories reflect this truth. These categories that may warrant the attention of a Maywood personal injury attorney include:
Whether injured in a car wreck, at work, at the hospital, or in public, personal injuries can take place at any time during our daily travels. These accidents can severely hinder a person’s ability to perform their daily routine and force unwanted changes in the quality of their life.
No one should be stuck living with pain, but if they are, they should retain a personal injury attorney in Maywood that will provide them with clear advice and direction which will hopefully put them more at ease throughout the recovery and claim process.
Why a Personal Injury Victim Might File Suit
Injured persons typically try to negotiate for compensation with the adverse driver’s insurance company. Usually referred to as a third-party claim. Accident victims who try to negotiate compensation may find it difficult to get a satisfactory amount. Many sub-standard insurance companies give claimants the run-around, deny the claim or make a ridiculously low offer.
The threat of filing a lawsuit can sometimes get an adverse insurance company to act more reasonably in compensation negotiations. If a fair compensation cannot be reached, then a victim must file a lawsuit against the driver who caused the accident. Lawsuits can take more than a year, sometimes two, to complete. Many risks can impact the outcome of a lawsuit.
Maywood Personal Injury Lawyer
A personal injury can have a devastating impact not only on the daily life of an accident victim, but also their long-term financial well-being. An accident victim can also experience frustration trying to put their life back in order.
The assistance from an experienced personal injury lawyer can lift much of the burden from the victim. A strong partnership between a lawyer and a client can allow them to focus on their recovery. The lawyer will deal with the adverse insurance company and all aspects of building and presenting a claim for recovering.