Glance down any busy street in Las Vegas and you will see hundreds of pedestrians. Many of those people will likely have their heads down, totally focused on the smartphone in their hand, texting away, oblivious to their surroundings. Not only does this create slow walkers, it creates dangers to everyone around. Pedestrian accidents continue to […]
Las Vegas Blog
When Can You Break into a Car to Save a Child in Las Vegas?
Last month, a three-year-old boy died after left in a vehicle in Las Vegas. This same tragedy happened ten other times across the country in July, with young victims, ranging in ages from seven weeks to three years old, accidentally being left in hot vehicles and dying of heat stroke. There are approximately 37 children who […]
Las Vegas Rush Hour Safety Tips
Driving safety advocates recommend that when we get behind the wheel of a vehicle, we always drive defensively. It is especially important to remember that when driving in rush hour traffic. Not only do commuters deal with typical Monday through Friday rush hour traffic, but tourist-filled streets on the weekend. So, what kind of rush […]
Most Dangerous Types of Accidents in Las Vegas
You’ve seen the aftermath of crashes on the road where the passengers are lucky enough to walk away from the wreckage. Some even come away with minor injuries or none at all. Unfortunately there are the types of crashes where the victims die or end up with catastrophic injuries that can leave them permanently disabled […]
Summer is Heating Up: Pedestrian Accident Avoidance at Intersections in NV
The statistics for pedestrian accidents are alarming. In Nevada, between 2011 and 2015, 336 pedestrians were killed in traffic accidents. Another 688 were seriously injured. Last year, 80 pedestrians died in Nevada, an almost 50 percent spike from 2010, when 41 pedestrians died. The state has included pedestrian accident avoidance as part of their Zero […]
Five Most Common Types of Car Accident Injuries in Nevada
When in a crash, a seasoned Las Vegas auto accident attorney will advise you to go to the emergency room or your personal physician in order to check for injuries. It isn’t unusual for some car crash victims to not realize they have been injured because of delayed symptoms. Medical personnel know the common auto […]
What if My Injuries From a Nevada Car Accident Don’t Appear Right Away?
The moments following a Nevada car accident can be confusing and frightening. One minute everything is fine, and the next minute: chaos. “Is everyone okay?” “Do we call the police?” “Oh, no, my car!” In any kind of traumatic event like a car crash, our brains automatically release chemicals in response. Combine this with the adrenaline […]
Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Car Accident Claim in Nevada
When you are injured in a car accident, it can be an overwhelming – even traumatic – experience. Not only are you dealing with pain from the injury and the effect it may be having on your daily life, you may also be dealing with the legal aspects of filing a car accident claim in […]
Should I Feel Guilty About Pursuing a Personal Injury Case in Nevada?
Getting injured in an accident is often a traumatic experience, involving recovery and rehab that can often be painful. Compounding the experience are the financial expenses that require legal attention through a personal injury case in Nevada. The entire experience can be difficult enough if the person responsible for the accident is a stranger, but […]
Celebrate National Safety Month This June!
The National Safety Council (NSC) observes National Safety Month every June. Each year, the organization aims to educate workplaces and the general public on specific safety issues. For National Safety Month 2020, the NSC is focused on mental health, ergonomics, creating a safety culture, and safe driving habits. In this post, the Las Vegas personal […]