Chicago Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Chicago Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

The elderly deserve to spend their golden years in peace and comfort. However, elderly persons in nursing homes can be unfortunate victims for abuse and neglect. This type of abuse is tragically common.

Have you or someone you love have been the victim of abuse in a nursing home? Contact a Chicago nursing home abuse lawyer immediately.

There are many reasons to pursue a personal injury suit against a nursing home facility and its employees, but two stand out. First, a victim of abuse may have to pay significant medical bills for the rest of their life for the care necessary to cope with their injuries. Second, holding the offending party liable can help to break this cycle of violence that may involve others at the same facility.

A Chicago nursing home abuse attorney will work closely with the patient and their family to determine when, where, and how the abuse occurred. From there, the attorney will evaluate all possible claims and build a strategy for the case to recover all the damages that the injured patient deserves.

Examples of Abuse

Care for the elderly and the infirm require a special set of skills, a strong character and a giving heart. When caretakers fail to meet the challenges, and neglect the medical needs and care requirements of the residents; a tragedy can happen. If a resident receive physical or mental mistreatment or neglect on one or more occasions, it may be classified as nursing home abuse. Some common examples include:

  • Physical abuse
  • Verbal abuse
  • Chemical abuse
  • Psychological abuse
  • Lastly, negligence

Specifically speaking, physical abuse can include hitting, sexual assault, unnecessary restraints, or unattended injuries, while verbal abuse entails screaming, swearing, insults, and cutting off communication.

Chemical abuse implies the giving the wrong drugs or withholding necessary drugs and psychological abuse includes belittling, gossiping, or isolating a resident. Finally, general negligence implies the failure to provide required assistance or an acceptable standard of care to the resident.

Potential Signs

Nursing home abuse must first be recognized before it can be stopped. If any of these indicators is noticed it is worthwhile to contact a nursing home abuse lawyer in Chicago.

Some common signs:

Sadly, the victim of the abuse may not always speak up for themselves. It is up to friends, family, and conscientious care givers to look for signs and come forwards with concerns.

Consult with a Chicago Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Today

Nursing home abuse must never be tolerated. And when observed, the offending parties should have responsibility. A Chicago nursing home abuse lawyer can help pursue swift and fair justice. Contact our firm at your earliest convenience if you believe that a loved one has suffered any form of nursing home abuse.

Our office hours range from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and we answer our phones at 708-222-2222 24/7. If you prefer, we have an online form you can use or you can utilize our LiveChat service as well.