Chicago the First City to Get Serious about Drone Injuries

drone laws in Chicago
Talk to a lawyer for more info on drone laws in Chicago.

Illinois was one of the first states to instate regulations on the use of drones with the Freedom from Drone Surveillance Act in 2014. In 2015, Chicago became the first large city in America to instate their own policies regarding drones; making the city safer. Those regulations control where drones can legally operate; a few laws remain on the books dealing with liability for a drone-related injury.

For now, attorneys and police authorities need to look at the circumstances surrounding the injury; as these cases can fall under several areas of personal injury law. The focus of a lawsuit will be on the drone operator, and their negligence.


For instance, in Chicago, it is illegal to fly drones between the hours of 8 p.m. and 8 a.m. The very act of flying a drone during these hours goes against the regulations Chicago has established. If however, there was found to be something wrong with the drone that caused it to break down during flight and injure someone, a lawsuit could be filed under the premise of product liability law.

Legally, manufacturers are responsible for ensuring their products are safe for consumers to use free from harm. When they don’t, the courts may require the party to pay compensation to any injured parties.

But if the operator was using the drone in an inappropriate manner, and against manufacturer warnings, the operator would be found negligent. This is also a caveat under product liability law. The area that involves drones and their laws constantly evolves. Thus, we work to make sure that we have the knowledge you need for success.

House Bill 3906

Since 2015, Chicago has also tried to pass two more drone laws in regards to their use. House Bill 3906 would prohibit a drone that recorded audio or video in the home of someone without their consent; while House Bill 3838 would make it law that drones cannot trespass onto a critical infrastructure facility, such as the Chicago Federal Building.  These bills await debate in Chicago’s legislature; but they have been introduced.

Talk to an attorney to lean more about drone laws

Federal, state and city levels lack drone laws about their proper use. Don’t worry about what happens from a drone injury; know.  It is very important that seriously injured people speak to an attorney that has the experience needed to deal with these lawsuits that have very little case history. Please, contact us if you need representation post-drone injury. Don’t wait.