Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 844-977-1900

Seattle, It’s Ride to Work Day!

Seattle motorcycle accident lawyer

June 20, 2022 is the annual National Ride to Work Day. This event is sponsored by a nonprofit group that encourages participants to ride their motorcycles or scooters to work instead of driving their cars. Ride to Work Day encourages motorcycle riders to practice safe driving habits and for drivers to be conscious of the importance of sharing the road. Lerner and Rowe provide these safety tips for both motorcycle riders and car drivers. If you are injured in a motorbike or scooter accident while commuting to work, our Seattle motorcycle lawyers are ready to fight for just compensation.

Why Motorcycles or Scooters?

Riding a motorcycle or scooter for your daily commute has numerous advantages for both the individual and the community. 

To start, you’ll save money by getting better gas mileage when driving. Physically, you will feel lighter because riding a motorcycle burns calories. Mentally, you will feel more connected to your surroundings than you would in a car. Socially, motorcyclists are often a part of their own community and riding is a great way to make new friends. 

Smaller vehicles also produce less pollution, are less damaging to roads, and are more efficient. Because of their small size, they also help to relieve traffic congestion, meaning less and faster moving traffic flow.

Finally, deciding to ride a motorcycle helps to eliminate the myth that motorcycle riders are dangerous and reckless. Each of these is a great example of why motorcycles are a great–and affordable–option.

Motorcycle Safety for the Rider

Keep these safety tips in mind if you decide to make riding a motorcycle a part of your daily commute. First and foremost, keep an eye on the weather. Then you’ll have to contend with not only wet clothes but also poor visibility and slick roads. For similar reasons, you may not want to drive when it is extremely hot or extremely cold.  

Also, make sure you have the proper safety gear. Always wear a helmet that meets the requirements of the US Department of Transportation. In addition to a helmet, wear boots, jeans, gloves, and a leather jacket—this gear will help keep you safe in the event of an accident.

Motorcycle Safety for the Driver

When driving a car or a truck, drivers must remember to share the road with motorcycles and scooters. Following traffic laws and safety protocols is the best way to prevent accidents and keep drivers of all vehicles on the road and passengers safe. Here are a few motorcycle safety tips for drivers:

  • Give motorcycles plenty of space around your car
  • Pay extra attention to your blind spot
  • When passing, be extra cautious and take a second look before turning left
  • Motorcycles are much more agile and faster than cars and trucks. Motorcycles and scooters can change lanes and directions much quicker. 

Following these tips and practicing good driving habits can help drivers successfully share the road with motorcycles and scooters.

Lerner and Rowe Seattle Motorcycle Lawyers

If you are interested in riding a motorcycle or scooter, the first thing you will want to do is sign up for a safety course and obtain your license. Make sure to practice riding and invest in motorcycle insurance before hitting the road! If you’re out riding and suffer an injury or the wrongful death of a loved one, the Seattle motorcycle lawyers at Lerner and Rowe are on your side.

Our team will work for you to ensure you get compensation you deserve. If you or someone you love has already been injured in a motorcycle accident due to someone else’s negligence, be sure to call 844-977-1900 to be connected to our Seattle motorcycle lawyers. You can also reach us via LiveChat feature or by filling out our online form. Your initial consultation is completely free. Reach out today!

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