Henderson Brain Injury Lawyer

Brain injuries cause much more than pain. They may also result in issues with memory, reasoning, communication, and relationships. In some cases, the victim may lose their personality entirely due to their injuries, significantly affecting their family and loved ones. When another party caused this, a Henderson brain injury lawyer may be able to help.

An experienced attorney will know how to figure out the root cause of your injury, whether a driver caused an accident, a property owner failed to uphold their duty of care, or a company released a defective product that affected your brain. Any of these situations may result in you and your family receiving compensation to cover medical bills, lost wages, and more. 

Contact our Henderson personal injury lawyers at 702-877-1500 and schedule a free case evaluation and consultation with a knowledgeable brain injury attorney. Or fill out this online form or use LiveChat to connect. We may be able to help you or your injured loved one receive the money they deserve.

Free Case Review

Why You Need a Henderson Brain Injury Lawyer

After a brain injury in Henderson, it’s likely that you or your family member are experiencing these symptoms: 

  • Loss of eyesight
  • Severe cognitive impairment
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Anxiety
  • Loss of the ability to speak
  • Convulsions
  • Vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Light sensitivity
  • Loss of hearing
  • Comas 
  • Sound sensitivity
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Seizures

Whether you are the one experiencing this or you are helping your loved one through their symptoms, you simply don’t need to start a personal injury claim on your own. The process is lengthy and complex, and requires a higher level of understanding of Nevada law. 

Henderson Brain Injury Lawyer

A Henderson brain injury lawyer can help take the emotional burden of a complex case off of your shoulders so you can focus on caregiving or recovery. We will investigate your claim, calculate a fair and legal amount of compensation to ask for, and negotiate with tough insurance companies for the best possible outcome.

8 Types of Claims Our Henderson Traumatic Brain Injury Attorneys Represent

Some types of traumatic brain Injuries (TBIs) that we can represent in Henderson include:

  1. Anoxic brain injuries (lack of oxygen)
  2. Contusions / brain bruises
  3. Second Impact Syndrome (secondary injury to the brain)
  4. Coup-contrecoup injuries (the head’s impact combined with the brain’s connection with the interior of your skull)
  5. Cerebral lacerations (objects tearing brain tissue)
  6. Diffuse axonal injuries (nerve fiber tears)
  7. Concussions (brain movement)
  8. Penetrating injuries (sharp protrusions puncturing brain matter)

Even if you only received a concussion, you still could be owed money by the liable party. Concussions are quite serious and can lead to lifelong complications, so call today even if you think you have a minor brain injury. 

Common Causes of Brain Injuries

Brain injuries can happen in a number of scenarios in Henderson, including:

These are just a few causes of brain injuries we’ve helped clients with. As long as another party’s negligent or reckless actions led to the injury, a Henderson brain injury lawyer can build a case and fight for your best interests. 

How Long Do We Have to File a Brain Injury Claim in Nevada?

You only have two years to file traumatic brain injury (TBI) cases in Henderson, NV. According to our state’s statute of limitations, victims and their families will not receive a dime if they do not file in time. 

Enlist the help of a Henderson brain injury lawyer as soon as possible. We have a deep understanding of Nevada personal injury law and will use this knowledge to fight for a fair settlement, even against insurance companies who undervalue your claim.

Choose a Henderson Brain Injury Lawyer from Lerner and Rowe

Other reasons to choose your brain injury attorney from Lerner and Rowe include our commitment to providing excellent communication, 24/7 legal help, and a proven track record of success nationwide

Above all, one of the best benefits of working with us is that we charge no fees at all until we win your case. This way, you and your family won’t have to worry about hefty attorney bills piling on top of your other accident-related expenses.

Contact a Henderson Brain Injury Lawyer from Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 

Call 702-877-1500 today to connect with a Henderson brain injury attorney at Lerner and Rowe. Or simply fill out this FREE online form. Or, use LiveChat to schedule your free case evaluation and consultation. 

If we can’t get the insurance companies to settle, our brain injury lawyers have extensive trial experience and are always trial ready. We will fight for your compensation while you focus on recovery. Call us now.