Las Vegas Truck Accident Lawyer

Las Vegas Truck Accident Lawyer

An accident victim injured in a collision with a truck, must face enormous physical and emotional harm, in addition to medical bills, lost wages and other unexpected financial hardships. Truck accident victims need a Las Vegas truck accident lawyer who has the knowledge and experience to handle the very specific issues raised by these types of injury claims.

Compliance with Federal Standards

The U.S. Department of Transportation has specific regulations about how many miles truck drivers can drive within a certain period. An experienced truck accident lawyer in Las Vegas understands these Federal Motor Carrier Safety regulations and other laws that may affect a person’s claim.

To recover all the money, they deserved, a truck accident victim must take on not just the truck driver, but also the trucking company, the shipper, the insurance company and their investigators. The defense team is experienced and well prepared and jump into action the moment the accident happens. The truck accident victim is often overmatched and quickly becomes overwhelmed by the defense team and their slick defense tricks.

But the accident victim can fight back by adding an experienced truck accident lawyer to their team. An experienced truck accident lawyer has seen it all before, can anticipate all the defense moves and will strike back against the trucking companies to protect the rights of the accident victim. No truck accident victim should go it alone when an experienced Las Vegas truck accident lawyer is ready to step in and help.

Investigating the Accident

The trucking company likely will conduct an extensive investigation of the crash scene (including photos) and the vehicles involved immediately after the accident. Additionally, the trucking company will make every effort to get recorded statements from any witnesses they can find. Truck accident victims have no time to lose. That is why it is important for claimants to have an experienced team on their side that will act fast. Building a case that will get a truck accident victim all the money deserve begins the moment the accident happens.

When a truck accident feels overwhelmed they need to get the help of an experienced truck accident attorney. The accident victim needs to focus on getting the health care they need for their injuries, while their lawyer can handle all aspects of building their case and protecting their rights.

Teamwork between a client and an experienced lawyer is the only way to completely combat the attack by the trucking companies and their team of lawyers and also, investigators.

The damages suffered by victims of truck accidents can be serious, long term and also, even life threatening.

Free Case Review

Injuries such as spinal cord damage, head trauma, burns, broken bones, and paralysis are not uncommon, and their catastrophic nature can permanently affect every aspect of a truck accident victim’s life. It takes a lot of money to get the proper care for these types of injuries, an amount that often exceeds the insurance coverage that most people will have.

Getting the money needed for medical treatment of traumatic injuries often requires the services of an experienced truck accident lawyer to find all possible sources of funding and to force the trucking companies to pay.

A Las Vegas Truck Accident Lawyer Will Find Out Who is Liable

The parties that can be found liable in a truck accident case include:

All these responsible parties present an opportunity to collect money for medical bills, lost wages and especially pain and suffering. A Las Vegas truck accident lawyer know the kind of evidence needed to win a truck accident case.

Just one example is the official driving logs that trucking companies are required to maintain, which document how long the driver had worked and also, how much rest he received in hours and days leading up to the accident. These logs provide critical evidence to determine whether the driver and also, the company, complied with all federal safety regulations.

Checking the Driver’s Record

Another important piece of evidence is the record of the specific driver involved in the collision. Did the driver have a history of accidents or violations of federal or also state law? Did the driver have the necessary training and also, experience for their trip, the particular truck and the load that it was carrying?

A truck accident victim should not settle their claims against the trucking company for their injuries until these and other questions have been asked by an experienced truck accident lawyer and completely answered by the trucking company.

Otherwise, the truck accident victim will likely settle their claim for too little money, leaving them to face future medical bills, disability, and also financial hardship.

In some cases, there may have been a defect that played a role in causing the accident. Those responsible for creating such a dangerous condition must be held responsible and pay for the injuries they cause.

The potential exists that products liability law may provide an additional and also, important path to recovery of damages. Without the help from a truck accident lawyer, a victim may not even realize the full extent or also, identify all the claims available.

However, building a products liability case has unique complexities; a truck accident victim would greatly benefit from the knowledge and experience of a seasoned truck accident lawyer.

Consult With a Las Vegas Truck Accident Lawyer Today

Truck accidents are often traumatic and complicated from the accident victims and include serious injuries and also substantial financial hardships. A truck accident victim shouldn’t need go through the process alone; especially when a Las Vegas truck accident lawyer can help.

The experienced legal staff of the Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys stands ready to help truck accident victims. So, don’t wait!