Las Vegas St. Patrick’s Day Giveaway!

Attention Las Vegas St. Patrick’s Day Giveaway! Do you already have your ideal St. Patrick’s Day planned out? Reubens from your favorite Irish pu calling your name? Why not share your party plan for the chance to win? Let us know how you plan to party and you could win the best kind of something […]

What to Do If You Are Injured By a Drunk Minor in Las Vegas?

It’s common knowledge that people “under the influence” of alcohol can be mean, temperamental, and/or physically aggressive. Or just really clumsy. In Las Vegas, and the state of Nevada, when hurt by a drunk, you can’t seek damages from the licensed business that served too much alcohol to the customer who hurt you. You may […]

Can I File a Claim Against the City of Las Vegas if An Employee Caused My Car Wreck?

The City of Las Vegas is the largest city in Nevada, home to more than 630,000 residents and over 42.2 million visitors in 2017. Las Vegas also employs over 3,000 people in varying departments, including elected officials, emergency personnel, office staff and more. With so many people traveling the roads, it is always possible a […]

When Can You Seek Compensation for Pain and Suffering in Nevada?

Are you in pain from being injured in a car accident in Las Vegas and not sure what to do next? If so, you maybe you’re asking whether or not you should just try to forget about it and “get past it,” or if you should pursue your rightful compensation. In many states, accident injury […]

February is American Heart Month

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States. Sadly, heart disease causes 1 out of 4 American deaths each year. The good news? Simple changes prevent these tragedies. It all starts with taking care of your health. What is Heart Disease? Heart disease describes a wide variety […]

CTE: Continuing the Discussion

With Super Bowl 52 around the corner, concussion awareness is in the spotlight. A recent study, conducted by Dr. Ann McKee, examined 111 brains of former NFL football players  and all but one had CTE. That is a rate of 99.1%. In addition to the 111 NFL brains that were studied, there were 91 other brains […]

Benefits of Bike Friendly Suburbs in Las Vegas

Advantages of biking in Las Vegas’s suburbs are growing, including bicycle infrastructure projects like Skye Canyon. Many applaud Las Vegas’s attempts toward long-term environmental sustainability. Southern Nevada has roughly 870 miles of bike lanes, paths, and shared roads. With plans to double that number, you may see more bikes on the road. Thus, the planet […]

Avoiding Trucking Blind Spot Accidents in Las Vegas

A truck’s blind spot is the area it that is not visible by use of the truck’s mirrors. Semi-trucks have the biggest blind spots, and semi-truck drivers and others are often at greatest risk of collision. The size and weight of an 18-wheeler compared to a car means that a car will bear the force […]

Open Letter on the Mandalay Bay Shooting

There are no words that can express how deeply saddened I am by the appalling events that occurred yesterday at the Mandalay Bay resort. I want to extend my sincerest condolences to the victims and families affected as well as thanks to the first responders, law enforcement officers, and fellow Americans who sprung to action […]