North Las Vegas Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

North Las Vegas is far more than just an area full of older neighborhoods located miles away from the Strip. It actually extends from Fremont Street all the way out to new road construction that leads to the Las Vegas Speedway. But, the fact remains that devastating motorcycle accidents can happen anywhere–from a touristy area, to the interstate, to the corner by your home. If you were injured in such an accident, call our North Las Vegas motorcycle accident lawyers for a chance to receive maximized compensation.

The North Las Vegas injury lawyers Lerner and Rowe are available to take your call at 702-877-1500 or chat online using LiveChat 24/7. You can also fill out this FREE online form, and a team member will reach out to you later. Whichever mode of communication you choose, we will set you up with a completely free case evaluation and consultation. Don’t allow any more time to pass before seeking financial compensation for your motorcycle accident damages. Call us today.

Free Case Review

How Our North Las Vegas Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Can Help You

After a motorcycle accident injury in North Las Vegas, the most important thing to do is seek out medical attention. This may involve:

  • Calling 911,
  • Receiving care at the scene,
  • Riding in an ambulance to the nearest Las Vegas hospital,
  • Getting scans, emergency surgery, and other procedures,
  • Following up with your doctor after you are released, and 
  • Noting any symptoms that arise in the days and weeks after your accident.
North Las Vegas Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

However, you should be aware that while you are taking care of yourself and your family,  insurance company representatives will be hard at work trying to process your accident claim as quickly as possible. Their expedient accident claim offer may also include a low-ball offer. 

How can you combat this? Your best course of action is hiring high-quality legal representation that keeps your best interests at heart. You can find these qualities in a Lerner and Rowe North Las Vegas injury lawyer. In fact, we believe in your motorcycle accident case so much that we take on all the risk, and ask for no upfront monies.

Common Types of North Las Vegas Motorcycle Accidents

In North Las Vegas, it’s common to see the following kinds of motorcycle accident injuries. Our attorneys have years of experience working with these kinds of cases and others similar:

  • Failure to yield accidents
  • Sharing lane accidents
  • Left turn accidents
  • Lane switching
  • Head on collisions
  • Turning crashes
  • Intersection accidents
  • Blind spot accidents
  • Rear-end collisions
  • Side-swipes
  • T-bones

A head-on collision between a motorcycle and another vehicle often leaves the motorcyclist facing the worst of the injuries, especially if the accident happened at high speeds. Sometimes, the motorcyclist cannot recover from injuries like paralysis or an accidental amputation. This leads them to need round-the-clock care for the rest of their lives, all at a substantial cost. 

Financial compensation can help offset these costs, relieving the monetary burden on the victim and their family. To see if you have a valid motorcycle accident claim, attend a free consultation with us and take the first steps towards compensation.

Causes of Fatal Motorcycle Crashes and Accidents in North Las Vegas

Fatal motorcycle wrecks and other road traffic accidents can be caused by many variables in North Las Vegas. Here are some of the most common that our attorneys have found while determining causation for our clients:

  • Drunk driving
  • Distracted driving
  • Speeding
  • Lane changing
  • Sudden stops
  • Unexpected opening of car doors
  • Inexperience
  • Road rage
  • Mechanical issues and defects
  • Roadway conditions
  • Vehicle overshadowing
  • Inattention
  • Reckless driving

Every driver should check the road before opening a car door. If they do not, they may be liable if a motorcycle crashes into the door, unable to stop. When these accidents happen, the motorcyclist may be forced into a flip over the car door, which can lead to severe head, neck, and shoulder injuries. 

Time Limits to File a Motorcycle Claim in North Las Vegas, NV

In North Las Vegas, we follow the Nevada statute of limitations, which says that you only have two years to file a claim from the date of your motorcycle accident. And so, our team will set up your free case evaluation soon. That way,  we can get the process started before the statute of limitations runs out. Don’t hesitate any longer, and give Lerner and Rowe a call today.

Why Choose the North Las Vegas Motorcycle Accident Lawyers at Lerner and Rowe?

You should choose the North Las Vegas motorcycle accident attorneys for many reasons, but namely, consider:

In other words, you have nothing to lose when you reach out about your motorcycle wreck. But, you may have hundreds or even thousands of dollars to gain.

Contact a North Las Vegas Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Call us at 702-877-1500, fill out this FREE online form, or use LiveChat to schedule your free case evaluation with a North Las Vegas motorcycle wreck attorney soon. We are available any time of day or night, and so, don’t wait. Financial compensation may be just down the road.

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