Driving safety advocates recommend that when we get behind the wheel of a vehicle, we always drive defensively. It is especially important to remember that when driving in rush hour traffic. Not only do commuters deal with typical Monday through Friday rush hour traffic, but tourist-filled streets on the weekend. So, what kind of rush hour safety tips will help decrease your risk of crashes?
Rush Hour Safety Tips
The first thing that can help make that rush hour commute a little easier is figuring out the best time to leave. Sometimes leaving a little before or after the time you would normally do can make all the difference. One recommendation is to begin your regular route at different times over the course of a few weeks and see if there is any time where the traffic congestion is not as heavy. Keep in mind, however, that no matter what time you choose to leave, make sure you allow extra time to get to your destination.
Another suggestion safety advocates recommend is seeing if there is another, less congested route you can take. You may find that another route will take less time than a shorter, but more traffic-filled route.
If you are driving through rush hour traffic, try to remain as patient as possible. Frustration will not get you to your destination any faster. However, instead distract you from potential dangers in the road, such as vehicles in front of your suddenly stopping. Also avoid lane jumping. Although, the vehicles in the other lane creep along, trust that they will stop and you will be moving.
If you or a family member have sustained injuries in a crash caused by another driver, contact a Las Vegas car accident attorney to find out what type of damages you may be entitled to for your injuries.