How are Multi-car Collisions in Las Vegas Unique?

Las Vegas multi-vehicle collision attorney
Our team of hardworking, compassionate Las Vegas accident lawyers will stop at nothing to pursue your rightful compensation.

Have you been in a multiple car collision in Las Vegas? This type of accident involves at least three vehicles. Las Vegas accident lawyers can help you sort it out so that you receive fair compensation for your injuries from a multi car crash.

Officials will Determine Fault

The officials on the scene will determine which involved parties were responsible for the accident. If you contributed to the accident, officials will determine what percentage of blame you are responsible for, such as 20%. The other 80% of blame would then fall to the other drivers as applicable.

Pure Comparative Negligence vs. Modified Comparative Negligence

Many states follow a “pure comparative negligence” standard. This means that even if you are partly at fault, you can still recover damages for the portion you were not at fault via a personal injury lawsuit. As in the example above, if you are 20% responsible, you can still recover 80% of your entitled damages. Your percentage of responsibility is in essence “subtracted” from the amount of damages you would have otherwise received.

Nevada follows a “modified comparative negligence” standard. Because of this, you may only recover damages IF you are less than 50% responsible for the accident. If you are MORE than 50% responsible for the accident, you will not be able to recover damages.

What You Should Do if You are in a Multi-Vehicle Accident

According to, “if you are involved in an accident or collision in Nevada, you must be prepared to act responsibly and in accordance with State law.”

  • DO NOT leave the scene of the accident. It is illegal to leave the scene of the accident in Las Vegas. You could have your license suspended and driving privileges revoked if you flee from the scene.
  • Leave your vehicle in place if you can. If you are blocking traffic, you can try to move your vehicle, but keep your vehicle as close to its original position as possible.
  • Render assistance and call 911. Nevada law requires you to render aid as you are able. However, do not move injured victims. Call 911 to report the accident and ask for medical assistance.
  • Report the accident to law enforcement. Although 911 may do it when you report the accident, you should make sure that law enforcement such as Las Vegas Metro police, sheriff, and/or Nevada Highway Patrol have been notified of the accident.

Exchange Information 

Exchange information with the other people involved in the accident, including:

  • Each driver’s name, address, and other contact information
  • License plate number of the vehicle involved in the accident
  • Driver’s license numbers
  • Car insurance information for the vehicles involved

Report the Accident to the Nevada DMV if Law Enforcement Did NOT Investigate

If by some chance law enforcement does not investigate the accident, you must complete and submit a Report of Traffic Accident within 10 days of the accident to the DMV if either of the following is also true:

  • The accident caused death or injury (although law enforcement will almost certainly investigate an accident of this type)
  • The accident caused property damage in excess of $750

Also, have medical personnel document your injuries. This will give Las Vegas accident lawyers valuable medical evidence to support your case should you decide to file a personal injury claim.

Contact Las Vegas Accident Lawyers Today

Contact Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys right away at  702-877-1500. Our team of hardworking, compassionate Las Vegas accident lawyers will stop at nothing to pursue your rightful compensation. Time is of the essence. You have just two years to file a personal injury claim in Las Vegas. Our office hours are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, but we are available 24/7 to take your call. We also have a Live Chat feature on our website that is always available for your convenience. We offer free consultations to discuss your case, and there is no fee unless we win your case.

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