Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 775-644-4444

Five Reno Summer Driving Safety Tips

Five Reno Summer Driving Safety Tips

It doesn’t get any better than summertime in Reno for many locals and visitors. The great weather, incredible outdoor activities, vibrant nightlife, and extended daylight hours make summer one of the best times to visit “The Biggest Little City in the World.” Unfortunately, it’s also one of the most dangerous times of the year for car accidents. To help you and the drivers in your household stay safe, our Reno injury lawyer offers the following Reno summer driving safety tips.

Avoid Car Accidents With These Summer Safety Tips

Summertime has a unique set of circumstances that can decrease your car accident safety. The good news is that there are many simple things that you can do to lower your chances of a Reno summer driving accident. Our team recommends the following:

1) Give Teen Drivers Some Space

With school out of session, summer has more teen drivers on the road than the other three seasons. Many teen drivers are still developing their driving skills and lack practical experience. This can cause them to panic and drive erratically when cars are close. If you notice any teen drivers then give them the space they need to feel comfortable behind the wheel.

2) Slow Down Around Construction Zones

Summertime means increased construction activity, thanks for the warmer weather and longer sunlight hours. Construction zones or work zones can introduce a number of hazards, such as road debris and narrow lanes. Slow down when driving near and through construction areas so that you can keep an eye out for work zone hazards.

3) Check Your Fluid Levels and Tire Pressure

Make sure that your vehicle’s fluid levels are optimal, especially the coolant. Heat adds additional stress to your car’s motor and HVAC system, raising the chances of failure due to overheating. Heat also increases air pressure, so be sure that your tires aren’t overinflated to reduce your chances of a blowout.

4) Stay Focused While Driving

For many people, summertime means fun in the sun. Unfortunately, hedonism can lead to distracted driving or impaired driving. Be sure to keep both hands on the wheel and your eyes focused on road conditions to maximize your Reno summer driving safety. If you plan on drinking or indulging in products from a Reno dispensary then make alternate transportation plans instead of driving.

5) Don’t Forget Your Sunglasses

The increased sunlight means that visibility can be an issue during the summer. Always have a good pair of sunglasses on you to help make sure that you can see clearly while driving. As an added bonus, sunglasses are also great for your eye health. Although it’s more convenient to keep shades in your car, high temperatures can melt parts of cheap sunglasses and leave you without a vital safety accessory.

Injured in a Reno Summer Driving Accident?

The Reno car accident lawyer at Lerner and Rowe hopes that you follow the safety tips above and share them with other drivers you know. The more people that are aware of the unique challenges of Reno summer driving, the safer everyone will be. Unfortunately, some accidents happen no matter how safely you drive. If you’re injured in a car crash caused by the negligence or recklessness of another party then contact us for immediate assistance.

You can reach the Reno distracted driving accident lawyer at Lerner and Rowe 24/7 by phone at 775-644-4444 and online through LiveChat or secure contact form. We offer free consultations and do not charge any legal fees unless money has been recovered on your behalf. With a long history of billion-dollar results and a genuine commitment to customer care, Lerner and Rowe is the choice for you.

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