Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 708-222-2222

Waukegan Sexual Abuse Lawyer

After the criminal trial of their perpetrator, victims of sexual abuse are often confused about what to do next. Even if incarcerated or punished, they often deal with painful emotional scars and nightmarish memories for years to come.

Such intense emotional pain has a negative impact on their quality of life, but by filing a civil suit, victims can hold their abusers financially accountable for their actions.

If you are the victim of a sex crime, you may be ready for your ordeal to be over, but it is imperative that you contact a Waukegan sexual abuse lawyer if you want financial compensation. A compassionate injury attorney can fight for you.

Other Responsible Parties

In addition to the perpetrator, victims can also hold other individuals or organizations responsible in a civil court. With the help of a Waukegan sexual abuse lawyer, victims can hold one or more of the entities below liable.

  • If a person has experienced abuse at the hands of a co-worker or superior, they should report the incident to their company and law enforcement as soon as possible. However, if the company fails to take sufficient action to support the victim and investigate the claim, they can be held liable for their actions.
  • Sexual assaults on and around college campuses have long been a problem in the United States. Each year, countless students become victims of rape, harassment, or sexual assault while attempting to get an education. When a college fails to provide students with a secure environment or fails to adequately investigate sex crime reports, they are creating an atmosphere that contributes to the overall problem.
  • Civil and religious organizations can be held responsible if individuals are abused by authority figures. Over the last decade, many churches have accusations of covering up allegations and known incidents of sexual abuse. Unfortunately, this inaction leaves victims at the hands of their perpetrators.
  • Hospitals and other medical facilities often care for injured and infirm patients. However, sexual abuse does occur at these facilities, often at the hands of caretakers and other patients. If an individual intends to hold a medical facility responsible, they will almost certainly need the aid of a Waukegan sexual abuse attorney.

Available Compensation

Victims of sexual abuse often wonder if they should file a civil suit against the responsible person or parties. Many victims may have had insult added to injury when their abuser found not guilty by a criminal court.

Fortunately for victims, it is possible to hold individuals responsible for their actions in civil court by filing a suit against them. With the help of a Waukegan sexual abuse lawyer, a victim could receive compensation for the following:

  • Lost wages
  • Medical bills
  • Mental health care

After an attack, it is normal for victims to feel alone and powerless. However, winning a case can help them regain a sense of control over their lives. When a person suffers at the hand of a sexual predator, they deserve compensation for the immense suffering and pain. Anything else is simply unfair.

Call a Waukegan Sexual Abuse Attorney Today

Ready to file suit against your perpetrator in civil court? Retain the services of an experienced Waukegan sexual abuse lawyer. They will do their best to remain patient and compassionate at all times. Call today to learn more.