Thousands of locals and visitors take advantage of the abundant boating opportunities in Reno. With a bustling river, one of the largest lakes in America, and several smaller lakes, Reno is a fantastic place for boating enthusiasts. Whether you prefer sailboats, speedboats, pontoons, or yachts, our city can handle all of your boating needs. Although boating is generally safe, accidents can happen. To help you and your family stay safe on the water, Lerner and Rowe’s Reno boat accident lawyer offers five Reno boat accident safety tips.
Follow These 5 Tips to Avoid Boating Accidents in Reno
While driving a boat is generally safer than driving a car, collisions and crashes can happen at any time. The good news is that boating accidents are highly preventable. Here are five important steps to stay safe on Reno’s lakes and rivers.
1) Follow All Nevada Boating Laws
Our Reno injury attorney highly recommends familiarizing yourself with The Handbook of Nevada Boating Laws. If your journey takes you to neighboring cities or states, keep in mind that different cities and states may have different rules regarding speed limits, no-wake zones, and navigational markers. Learning these rules ahead of time can help you avoid conflicts with other people on the water.
2) Always Checking Weather Conditions Before Leaving Port
Check the weather forecast before hitting the water and monitor changing weather conditions. Storms can develop without warning and high winds can pose serious danger. If you notice darkening clouds, a sharp increase in wind speed, rough waters, lightning, or thunder, then it may be best to head back to shore and wait for the weather to clear up.
3) Always Wear a USCG-Approved Life Jacket
Always wear a properly fitted U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket while on your boat, whether you’re a driver or passenger and regardless of your swimming ability. Make sure that everyone on your boat–including children, poor swimmers, and non-swimmers–has a life jacket readily available. Life jackets save lives in the event of a water crash or unexpected immersion in water.
4) Make Sure You Have Proper Safety Gear
Make sure that your boat has all the necessary safety equipment, including a first aid kit, fire extinguisher, sound-producing device (such as a whistle or horn), anchor, and a throwable flotation device. Furthermore, make sure you have a working communication device in addition to a mobile phone, such as a marine VHF radio, to call for help in case of emergencies.
5) Always Maintain a Safe Speed and Distance
Drive your boat at a safe speed that’s considerate to others on the water. Consider factors such as traffic, weather, visibility, and water conditions. Be sure to maintain a safe distance from other boats, swimmers, and obstacles in the water. A reasonable speed and adequate distance reduce the risk of a Reno boat accident and give you more time to react to potential hazards.
Contact a Reno Boat Accident Lawyer
The Reno injury lawyer at Lerner and Rowe hopes that you follow the safety tips above. Please share them with the boat enthusiasts you know in order to maximize their safety. Unfortunately, some accidents happen no matter how safe you’re being. If you’ve been injured in a collision, crash, or other incident on the water then contact our Reno boat accident attorney for immediate assistance.
You can reach Lerner and Rowe Reno by phone at 775-644-4444 and online through LiveChat or encrypted contact form. We offer free, no obligation consultations and do not charge any legal fees unless money has been recovered on your behalf. With a long history of billion-dollar results and a true commitment to treating clients with the compassion they deserve, Lerner and Rowe is the way to go in Reno.