Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 844-977-1900

Most Dangerous Traveling Days of the Year in Illinois

Traveling in Illinois | Chicago Car Accidents

Traveling in Illinois is often a pleasant experience, full of great sites and leisurely drives. Unfortunately, there are certain times of the year when your chances of getting into a car crash are much higher. To help you and your family stay safe, Lerner and Rowe’s Chicago car accident lawyers present a list of the most dangerous days to drive in Illinois.

Avoid Traveling in Illinois on These Days

Driving in Illinois is mostly safe for the majority of the year, but traffic accidents can happen at any time. For a variety of reasons, accidents tend to rise during certain holidays and events. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), these are some of the most dangerous days for traveling in Illinois.

Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day weekend officially starts summer for many people. Tragically, it is also the deadliest weekend of the entire year for car accident victims. According to the NHTSA, more than 400 people die each year on this weekend, which is 13% higher than on non-holiday weekends.

The start of summer means as many as 50-million drivers on the road. With many heading to barbecues and parties, drinking and driving happens. More than 40% of all Memorial Day traffic fatalities are alcohol-related.

Related: What to Do If You Are Injured By a Drunk Person in Chicago?

The Monday After Daylight Saving Time

Many people love that extra hour of sunlight when Daylight Saving Time begins. However, it comes at the expense of losing an hour of sleep. While that may seem like a trivial thing, losing one hour of sleep can disrupt your circadian rhythm. This can lead to instances of drowsy driving or fatigued driving, which can lead to car accidents.

In extreme cases, losing an hour of sleep can lead to a stroke. There have been several instances of drivers suffering a stroke while driving, leading to multiple deaths.

Black Friday

Millions of people take to malls and other retail outlets across the country the day after Thanksgiving. Many Black Friday shoppers look for extreme savings on holiday gifts, while others just enjoy the spectacle.

Unfortunately, what many drivers also find are traffic jams, packed parking lots, and pedestrians everywhere, all searching for those same bargains. Studies show that the number of car accident claims submitted double on Black Friday, especially for parking lot and rear-end accident claims.

Contact Lerner and Rowe

The Chicago personal injury lawyers at Lerner and Rowe hope that you and your family are safe while traveling in Illinois. If possible, avoid driving on the days mentioned above. Should you get into an accident caused by another party then contact us for immediate assistance.

You can reach Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by phone at 844-977-1900 and online via LiveChat. Consultations are free and our lawyers do not charge legal fees unless money has been won on your behalf. In addition to having stellar reviews for treating each client with the compassion and respect that they deserve, our lawyers have a proven track record of billion-dollar results. Contact us today and you’ll quickly learn why Lerner and Rowe is one of the most trusted personal injury firms in America.

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