Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 844-977-1900

Alabama Scooter Accident Attorney

Have you or a loved one been injured in an electric scooter crash in Alabama?

Alabama scooter accident attorney

You’re not alone. As e-scooters continue to gain popularity throughout the United States, the number of scooter-related injuries has increased dramatically. 

One study by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) found that more than 133,000 people were treated at emergency rooms nationwide for injuries related to micromobility products (including e-scooters, hoverboards, and e-bikes) between 2017 and 2019. Injuries included broken bones, head injuries (including TBIs), lacerations, and bruises. The CPSC also reported that at least 41 Americans had died after micromobility accidents in the same time period.

While many scooter crashes may be caused by riders themselves, some may be the result of defective or dangerous scooter designs or parts. Others still may be caused by negligent motorists or other scooter riders. Pedestrians may also be at risk of being injured by negligent e-scooter riders. If you were injured in a scooter accident because of someone else’s actions, you could be entitled to compensation. You can find out more information, including whether you may have a case from Brian Plant, our qualified Alabama scooter accident attorney.

Are E-Scooters Safe To Use in Alabama?

Almost since the arrival of e-scooter rentals in Alabama, there have been major safety and nuisance concerns about these new forms of transportation. On the one hand, electric dockless scooters offer commuters and tourists alike the chance to get from point A to point B quickly, affordably, and with a lower carbon footprint. 

At the same time, city officials and lawmakers have struggled to properly regulate their use. In 2018, a lack of infrastructure and rule implementation led to the removal of Bird and Lime e-scooters from several Alabama cities, including Birmingham. 

As of 2021, Gotcha e-scooters and e-bikes are available for rent in both Mobile and Birmingham. VeoRide, another e-scooter rental company, has also set up shop in Birmingham. While the use of electric scooters was officially legalized in Alabama in 2019, safety problems continue to plague the enterprise.

What’s Really Causing E-Scooter Accidents?

Alabama scooter accident lawyer

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has been quick to point out that many e-scooter injuries have been caused or aggravated by the fact that the victim was not wearing a helmet at the time of the scooter accident. In addition, a small-scale study conducted by the agency found that 29% of injuries happened to first-time riders.

But an experienced Alabama scooter accident attorney recognizes that rider inexperience, scooter misuse, and failure to wear and a lack of proper safety equipment are not the only reasons for scooter injury accidents. Other causes of Alabama e-scooter accidents may include:

  • Poor road conditions, including potholes and cracks in the street
  • Lack of designated e-scooter lanes to protect riders from other motorists
  • Limited visibility, especially near sunset and at night
  • Poor maintenance of e-scooters, which may lead to brake failure, flat tires, bad motors, or even handlebar damage
  • Distracted driving/riding
  • Impaired drivers

E-scooters are unique compared to pedestrians and bicyclists in that they can go much faster, with Gotcha models reaching speeds of up to 15 miles per hour. Still, they can’t go nearly as fast as a car or motorcycle, which puts them at a disadvantage since they are prohibited to ride on sidewalks. Motorists who are not used to driving around e-scooters are less likely to be on the lookout for this type of vehicle. And, according to the same CDC study, about 18% of all reported scooter accidents involved motor vehicles.

How Do You Know Who Is At Fault For an E-Scooter Crash?

When it comes to pursuing a personal injury lawsuit, establishing liability—that is, who is at fault for the accident, injuries, and resulting costs—is essential. Consulting an experienced Alabama scooter accident attorney is key to determining and proving fault in negotiations with insurance companies or in a trial setting. 

scooter accident attorney

Establishing liability can be tricky in most accidents because the fault is not always 100% on one person or entity. While many states have comparative negligence laws that allow still defendants to pursue a claim even if their negligence partially contributed to the accident, this is not the case in Alabama. For this reason, establishing fault is all the more important.

In order to be compensated following an e-scooter injury in Alabama, there should be no evidence that you played a role in the accident. This means you may not have been riding the scooter recklessly or violating any of Alabama state or city-specific rules of the road. Because electric scooters are considered “motor-driven cycles” (the same class as motorcycles), you are subject to the same laws as every other motor-driven cycle on the road.

How Can An Alabama Scooter Accident Attorney Help?

Getting the fair settlement you deserve after an electric accident in Alabama can be difficult. Between holding negligent drivers or scooter companies responsible and securing enough compensation to cover your lost wages, medical bills, and pain and suffering, handling a claim on your own can be overwhelming.

When you consult with Brian Plant, an Alabama scooter accident attorney at Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys, you can rest assured that your personal injury case is in good hands. Our experienced and compassionate legal team will fight for your right to maximum compensation for your injuries.

To find out how we can help, call us 24/7 at 844-977-1900 to arrange your no obligation consultation. Have questions? LiveChat   representatives are standing by to answer them. If you’re ready to move to the next step, just fill out this simple form to get started. Consultations are always free and you won’t pay us a penny unless we win your case.