Unlike distracted driving and drunk driving, fatigued driving is an often overlooked problem on Arizona roads. While fatigued driving in Arizona was only responsible for 0.65% of car crashes in 2022, according to the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), it’s still a silent threat to drivers. In fact, the CDC estimates the number of crashes caused by fatigued driving is severely underestimated and underreported nationwide.
Driving a car, truck, or motorcycle requires your full, unimpaired focus, which is difficult when you’re fatigued. Stay awake and alert on the road with these tips from our Arizona personal injury attorneys.
11 Tips to Prevent Fatigued Driving in Arizona
1. Rest up before hitting the road
The best way to prevent fatigued driving in Arizona? If you have a long drive ahead of you, aim for seven to eight hours of quality sleep the night before. This is especially important if you’re unfamiliar with the route or have a long drive. If you are feeling tired before hitting the road, take a power nap.
2. Try not to drive alone
This might not be an option for everyone, but driving with a companion can keep you engaged with conversation and help you stay awake. They can also take over when you need some rest. If you have to drive alone, listen to music, podcasts, or audiobooks to help keep you awake.
3. Avoid sugar
When you’re feeling groggy, you might want to grab a sugary snack or drink. You may get a temporary spike of energy, but when your blood sugar crashes, your alertness goes with it. Stick with healthy snacks like veggies, yogurt, and nuts.
4. Avoid stimulants as a sole solution
While coffee can provide a temporary boost, it’s not a long-term solution. The potential crash after a caffeine high can be just as dangerous as fatigued driving.
5. Take frequent breaks
Take frequent breaks to get out of the car and stretch your legs. The increased blood circulation from movement will refresh you mentally and physically.
6. Plan your drive for daytime hours
Driving at night when you’re naturally more likely to be tired is an accident waiting to happen. Whenever possible, schedule your drive for daylight hours when your body is naturally more energized.
7. Be mindful of the temperature
Warm temperatures are proven to increase drowsiness. If you’re driving in summer, crank up the air conditioning or open a window for a blast of fresh air, which can help wake you up. Additionally, if you have the heat on during the Arizona winter and start to feel sleepy, turn off the heat and crank the AC or crack the window.
8. Stay away from alcohol and certain medications
Drinking and driving is always a no-no, and there’s a good reason why certain medications come with a warning against driving. Even taking medications like sleep aids the night before can leave you feeling drowsy the next day. It’s best to avoid those before a big trip.
9. Leave the cruise control off
The less activity you have, the more likely you are to end up driving fatigued. Engaging with the road keeps you alert, so it’s best to avoid cruise control for long stretches.
10. Know the signs of fatigued driving
Half the battle of preventing fatigued driving in Arizona is knowing the signs. Be aware of fatigue’s telltale signs like heavy eyelids, difficulty concentrating, frequent yawning, drifting in your lane, and irritability. You are the best judge of your fatigue level. Listen to your body and don’t fight the signs.
11. Stop and take a nap
Despite your best efforts, you may reach a point where you know it isn’t safe to drive. Pull off the road to a safe, quiet place and take a short nap. A timely arrival is not worth the sacrifice of your health and well-being. Lastly, use these tips before you actually feel sleepy. It’s easier to maintain a state of alertness than try to recover once drowsiness takes hold.
Injured by a Fatigued Driver in Arizona? Contact Us Today!
By following these tips, you can help prevent fatigued driving in Arizona and keep yourself, your passengers, and other drivers safe. While you might be conscientious about following proper driver safety, others might not. If you are injured by a fatigued driver, you have legal rights to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and possibly more.
Your chances of getting the compensation you deserve increase when you have devoted legal representation on your side. This is why you want an experienced injury lawyer with a proven track record of winning billions of dollars total in settlements.
Call Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 24/7 at 602-977-1900. You can also connect online with one of our LiveChat agents standing by, or fill out this form to get started on your free case evaluation with no fee until we win your case.