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Henderson Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Abuse in nursing homes occurs more frequently than most people think, and unfortunately, the victims are often members of the most vulnerable segments of society. Many victims are physically and mentally ill, and a significant portion is unable to articulate the abuse they are experiencing. You trust nursing homes to properly care for your loved ones, and when abuse occurs, it is normal to feel angry and confused. Luckily, you do have legal options at your disposal, and if you feel your loved one is being abused, you should contact a Henderson nursing home abuse lawyer at your earliest convenience.

It is the responsibility of the nursing home to ensure their patients are adequately cared for and their caretakers are capable of providing the best care possible. Unfortunately, many nursing homes fail to do this, and in doing so, they are neglecting their patients.

Types of Nursing Home Abuse

Abuse takes numerous shapes and forms, and when the results of it can be more serious when the victim is elderly or infirm. Sadly, nursing home residents are often the target of the following types of abuse.

  • Physical Abuse. As the name suggests, this type of abuse occurs when a person physically harms another individual. Hitting, slapping, pushing, and other similar acts are the most common forms of physical abuse, and victims are often left riddled with bruises, cuts, and lacerations. Over time, physical abuse can leave victims emotionally traumatized and injured.
  • Sexual Abuse. Illegal acts such as sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape can occur in nursing homes across the county. Sexual assault occurs when a person forces a victim to have unwanted sexual contact (this contact does not include penetration). Rape, the most serious form of sexual abuse, occurs when a person forces another person to have sexual intercourse.
  • Neglect. The residents of nursing homes are often ill and frail, and they may need help performing basic tasks. If they do not receive the assistance they need, their health and sanitation can be placed in jeopardy. Unchanged bed linens and unkempt surroundings are signs of neglect.
  • Emotional Abuse. Verbally abusing, threatening, or emotionally manipulating patients are common forms of emotional abuse. Other forms include blackmail and isolation.

If a person suspects their loved one subjected to any of the forms of abuse above? Contact a Henderson nursing home abuse lawyer immediately.

Common Signs of Neglect and Abuse

Recognizing the signs of nursing home abuse is not always easy, but fortunately for the family members of victims, there are ways to tell. Individuals should contact a Henderson nursing home abuse lawyer if they notice their loved ones displaying any of the following behaviors:

  • Withdrawal or social isolation
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Fearfulness
  • Bruises and restraint marks
  • Lastly, unsanitary surroundings

Abuse victims are often afraid to speak out about their abuse, out of fear of retaliation. However, if a person notices any of the signs above, they should immediately take action.

Contact a Henderson Nursing Home Abuse Attorney Today

If suspect abuse in a nursing home? Contacting a Henderson nursing home abuse lawyer is in your best interest. Abuse takes many forms. To get the compensation you and your loved one deserve, you will probably need the help of an attorney.

Contact our law firm today to discuss the details of your case with an experienced lawyer.