Many people may think that the majority of car accidents in the Las Vegas area happen when drivers are traveling on the road, away from home, in unfamiliar areas.
Surveys reveal that the most car accidents happen within five minutes or less of a driver’s home.
Approximately one-third of all car crashes occur between one and five miles of where the driver lives. The most common type of collision that happens within this radius is drivers hitting parked cars.
Other common collisions include drivers crashing on side or secondary roads, and reversing and hitting walls or fences.
Research concludes that there is a comfort zone associated with driving in your own neighborhood. Many drivers become lazy in practicing safe driving behaviors because they feel like they know the area so well.
Drivers do not fully focus on their driving as they would if they were driving farther away from home. As our Las Vegas car accident attorneys can attest, driving in your neighborhood can trigger muscle memory instead of being fully cognizant of what is taking place on the streets around them.
Drivers often also fail to wear their seat belts when they are driving close to home, especially if they are only going for short drives in their neighborhood, and use this as justification.
Lastly, it is just as important to buckle up no matter the length of the drive.
Injured in one of the Las Vegas accidents?
Contact us today! We look forward to working with you. Free consults and we collect no fee unless you win. We have the experience to get your case the justice that it deserves. Our lawyers take your call 24/7 at 844-977-1900. Come visit our office between 8 am and 5 pm or lastly, LiveChat with us online. Injured in an accident? Don’t wait! The sooner you talk to us, the better.