Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 844-977-1900

Why Driving Using Hands-Free Devices Is Risky Behavior In Illinois

hands-free device safety
Contact us for help when injured in an accident involving a hands-free device.

According to the National Safety Council (NSC), cell phone distracted driving causes more than 1.5 million car accidents every year. Approximately 3,000 people are killed each year in distracted driving accidents, and more than 400,000 people are seriously injured.

Risks of using a hands-free device

The deadly risks of cell phone use while driving has led some states to pass hands-free driving laws, including the state of Illinois, but safety advocates say these laws only give drivers the false sense of security that using a hands-free device while driving is safe. Multiple studies show that using hands-free devices is risky behavior in Illinois and across the country.

Drivers often utilize a hands-free device; either using a headset connected to the device with a wire or by blue tooth technology. Many new vehicles also offer blue tooth technology which allows the vehicle to sync with a cell phone allowing the driver hands-free use.

But many studies reveal that when drivers talk on their cell phones, they remain cognitively distracted. Instead of total focus on the road in front of them, their brain focuses on something else.


Contrary to what we think, our brains are not capable of multi-tasking.

When engaged in two activities at the same time, the brain switches back and forth between the two, rapidly. This illusion causes more harm than the ‘productivity’ you gain.

When a person has a hands-free conversation, the brain shifts its focus between the road and the conversation. A driver talking on the phone may not see a red light or a stopped vehicle in front of them.

Referred to as inattention blindness, the driver looks at their surroundings but doesn’t really “see” the objects. A driver talking on a phone fails to see about 50%, estimates state.

Contact us today!

Unfortunately, there are far too many drivers who don’t understand the dangers of distracted driving. If you have been injured in a crash caused by a distracted driver, contact a Chicago personal injury attorney to discuss what your legal options may be.

Our office hours range from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and we also answer our phones at 844-977-1900 24/7. You can reach us through our online form or our LiveChat service. So don’t wait! We look forward to hearing from you.