Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 844-977-1900

5 Super Useful Things You Should Have in Your Car at All Times

car accident lawyers
If you are involved in an accident or vehicle breakdown, reach out to our car accident lawyers at Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys right away.

Driving is by far the most dangerous activity the average person participates in on a daily basis. Driving has the potential to lead to a painful injury or a blown tire in the middle of nowhere. If anything bad happens to you while you are out on the road, it is imperative you have at least a couple emergency supplies at your disposal. Our car accident lawyers are here to help in your time of need. We will guide you through the legal process and maximize your odds of a favorable settlement offer or verdict.

Auto accidents will more than likely happen. It does not matter if your vehicle is old, new or perfectly maintained. Vehicles eventually break down and other drivers have the potential to cause a costly accident. What matters most when disaster strikes is that you have everything you need on-hand until you can reach the car accident lawyers. Below, we explain some of the most important things to have in your vehicle just in case you end up in an accident in a rural area or end up stranded far away from anyone who can help.

Communications Devices

It does not hurt to store an emergency prepaid cell phone along with an additional cell phone battery and a charger in your trunk. Put these items in a protective bin so you can call for assistance as soon as you become stranded or part of  an accident far away from town. Otherwise, if you do not have a phone, you will not be able to reach the authorities, friends, family, or others.

Flashlights and Different Types of Batteries

Flashlights will prove helpful for all sorts of purposes, especially on those lengthy drives. A flashlight will make it easier to see when changing a tire or illuminate your view below the hood. The light may also catch the attention of those passing by, and provide light when you need to analyze a map. Furthermore, it will help to have backup flashlight batteries, cell phone batteries and a couple other batteries in the vehicle just in case you need them to power electronic devices.

A First Aid Kit

An auto accident in a rural area might necessitate DIY medical care. You need a first aid kit in your vehicle for such an instance. This kit should have all the basics to treat wounds and cuts. However, if you or a passenger has a head, back or neck injury, do not attempt to administer aid. Try to keep such an injured individual as still as possible until the medical professionals arrive.

A Toolkit

A small toolkit might come in handy on those lengthy drives through the country. If your vehicle breaks down, you will need some basic tools to get things back up and running. A couple tools really can make the difference between waiting for help for several hours or being able to drive to the closest auto repair shop. The main tools your auto toolkit should have are a wrench, hammer, and both a flathead and a Phillips head screwdriver.

Jumper Cables

If your vehicle’s battery is dead, you will need a set of jumper cables. Additionally, you will need to stop another vehicle to provide the jump. This is the fastest way to start a vehicle with a dead battery. Just be sure you connect the cables correctly. When in doubt, let the professionals perform the jump just to be sure you do not damage either vehicle.

Car Accident Lawyers Will Fight for Your Compensation

The negligence of another driver, automaker, or even an auto part maker should not go unpunished. If you are involved in an accident or vehicle breakdown that led to any type of suffering or property damage, reach out to our car accident lawyers at Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys right away.

We will tend to all the legal challenges of this incident while you attempt to return to work. Contact us at 844-977-1900 to schedule a free consultation. There is no fee unless we win your case. We are usually open from 8am-5pm. Yet we have staff on hand to answer your call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can also reach our legal team through our website’s LiveChat feature.

The information on this blog is for general information purposes only. Nothing herein should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.