Chicago Parking Lot Accident Lawyer

Accidents in parking lots tend to be lower impact because the speed is typically lower in a parking lot. Parking lots are usually private areas and therefore oftentimes do not have posted signs regarding how traffic is to flow. Accidents occur in parking lots because the direction and flow of traffic is not always clearly marked. Drivers often feel like they can weave through a parking lot because there is no risk of getting a ticket. As a result, people often cut through lanes of traffic, dart out between parked cars, or pull out suddenly.

Visibility in parking lots can be an issue. Pedestrians present a special risk. People walking through traffic flow, getting in and out of vehicles, pushing shopping carts. They often have distractions; children, looking for their keys, or phones. Whereas, in a roadway, people understand pedestrian rules in the road.

In parking lots, there is a mix of pedestrians, shopping carts, and bicycles; the flow of cars, trucks, and pedestrians mix in ways unique to parking lots. Because of the complexities of these unique accidents, it is important to work with a skilled Chicago parking lot accident lawyer when pursuing a claim. Skilled auto accident attorneys will have the experienced necessary to help you bring forward a strong case for compensation.

Liability Laws

A private parking lot will not have governmental-posted roadway regulations. There exist different laws of liability in private parking lots. For example, somebody cannot get a ticket for driving at a parking lot. That doesn’t mean that their speed didn’t cause the an accident. Drivers need to be careful in parking lots because of the mix of pedestrians, trucks and passenger vehicles, and oftentimes.

Rules of safe driving may change in parking lots in Chicago, as drivers should typically drive more carefully, because oftentimes obstructed visibility happens with parked vehicles, tight spaces in parking lots, especially parking garages. Cars are often backing out of spaces and cannot see, cars traveling between—down the lanes between parking spaces, and, generally, visibility is much more difficult.

If there is a designated area for people to walk in a parking lot, they need to stay in those designated areas and walking through the parking lot outside those designated areas can be a basis for assessing contributory negligence. Contributory negligence will diminish the value of the case for the plaintiff.

Contacting a Chicago Parking Lot Accident Lawyer

Oftentimes, insurance companies who represent someone who caused an accident—if their insured caused the accident, they routinely raise the issue of contributory negligence because they will claim that the plaintiff was traveling too fast, given the number of vehicles and limited visibility, that the plaintiff had the last opportunity to avoid the accident had they been going slower or paying more attention and oftentimes will try to claim an excuse for their insured due to the circumstances surrounding the accident.

Chicago parking lot accident lawyers are aggressive in their efforts to protect the rights of their clients and to maximize the value of their claims. An experienced parking lot accident attorney in Chicago representing somebody who was injured will zealously represent their interests and aggressively pursue their claims.

Contact us

Our office hours range from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and we answer our phones at 708-222-2222 24/7. If you prefer, we have an online form you can use or you can utilize our LiveChat service as well. We look forward to hearing from you.