According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Halloween is the second-highest day for fatal pedestrian injuries. The main reason being the increased amount of costumed characters that are roaming the streets over the holiday. Everyone at Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys wants all adults and children to enjoy a safe and injury-free Halloween. To help you do so, we’ve put together the following Halloween pedestrian injury prevention tips.
See & Be Seen to Avoid a Halloween Pedestrian Injury
Lingering in darkness and blindspots might be ideal for ghosts and goblins, but it can be extremely dangerous for the average costumed pedestrian.
You can escape the dangers of low visibility by:
- Carrying glow sticks and flashlights to see better and be seen
- Wearing a brightly colored costume and enhancing it with strips of reflective tape
- Cutting bigger eye holes in masks or opting for face paint so that your own vision is not blocked
Walk This Way
One distracted driver can turn a night-o-fun with friends into a night-of-fright spent at an emergency room.
Help prevent pedestrian injuries by remembering to always look both ways before crossing a street and by:
- Never darting out into the street
- Not crossing a street in between parked cars
- Being extra cautious when cars are turning or backing up
- Crossing alleys and driveways carefully
- Walking on sidewalks whenever possible
- Walking as far to the left as you can, while facing traffic when there isn’t a sidewalk
- Not assuming that if one car stops, all the rest will
- Planning a route that requires the fewest street crossings
Hurt on Halloween? Our dedicated legal team helps injury victims get the care and compensation they deserve around the clock.
So, contact award-winning Phoenix personal injury attorneys at Lerner & Rowe injury Attorneys 24/7. Just make one call to 602-977-1900, or chat with a live representative online.